Wednesday, November 4, 2015


KK and I ran in our last agility trial in September. We had one more USDAA and one more NADAC trial planned but due to some unforeseen circumstance's, we had to cancel them. I was disappointed because I love to run KK but family comes first and agility isn't important in the realm of life. We also had to cancel our ceremony on the beach and honeymoon at Disney. But everything happens for a reason and while we may not understand the reasoning at the time, it eventually becomes clear why things happened the way they did.

KK and Lilly are currently with their Aunt Linda while we deal with some family health issues. Being away from us helps both of their little attitudes. The three older girls are at home with us. They are quieter and mind better. :)

I'm starting to compile my agility trial list for 2016 and formulate KK's agility goals for the first half of 2016. I'm also working on KK's distance work as I plan on doing more NADAC trials and less AKC trials. USDAA will remain our venue of choice. I still have big dreams for KK but they will come in time, there is no need to push her hard by trialing constantly. We will trial less but trial smart...I hope.

I  have also been working Marley some on low contacts and 12 in. jumps. She's jumping fine and I will start inching her up to 16 in. which she will jump in NADAC and possibly AKC. She has remembered how to weave but it's still not her favorite obstacle. She loves that I've brought out the tunnels! That girl loves a tunnel!!!

I don't know if Marley will want to compete again as she's never run agility not in pain. I really want to run her again, but she hasn't run in so long, I don't know is she will want to run again. I'm just happy that Marley is happy and whole again. Running her again would be a dream for me, but if it doesn't happen, then it doesn't happen and I will be fine with that. She will continue to go to trials as KK's buddy and I will get to enjoy her carefree spirit.

Take time to enjoy what you have, love hard, laugh often and be grateful for everything you have. Life is what you make it regardless of the hurdles you endure. Love your life and those people in your life that are important. They will be there for you when you need them.