Monday, January 16, 2017


This sweet girl is approaching her 17th birthday. It seems just like yesterday that I brought her home from CARE as a foster dog. Missy was to have been a foster. A dog that I would care for, love and then let go to her forever home. But Missy had other ideas. She came into my home with a lot of baggage. She would take treats and hide them. I would find bags of treats and food hidden under my bed. It took time and trust on Missy's part to realize that she would want for nothing in my home. I took her to lots of adoption events and when I would come back to get her, I would be told that "she didn't show well". Apparently as soon as I left, Missy would hide under a chair and not be interested in anyone or anything. She once almost got adopted by an older family. I left her for the day. She was friendly and happy when I was there. Molly and I left and went home. I got a phone call later that day. The family told me they couldn't catch her and she was a different dog than what I had left. I quickly drove to get her and found her in their yard. She was so happy to see me. I remember the lady saying "She has found her family". It was true. Missy found Molly and me. We were meant to be her family.

As time does, it kept moving. And moving. No matter how much I want to stop time, it won't happen. Now 14 years later, she is still a happy, healthy pup. Missy still looks like a puppy. The other day when Hazel picked her up from grooming, someone asked how old was her puppy.

Missy is my little diva. She doesn't believe in getting dirty, or going out in the rain. She wants her dinner brought to her. She would prefer if you came to her to love on her. Missy is a princess. She is the first to try any new pillow, blanket or dog bed. She loves to lay on the back of the sofa and she can fit her little body into a window sill. I had a neighbor when I lived in Little Rock that used to tell me, "That dog there isn't far removed from the wild". At the time I was kind of offended, but now I can look back and laugh. Missy is cat like and a little feral, but she's my Missy and I'm so glad she picked me.