Thursday, February 16, 2012


As everyone knows, agility is a great hobby of mine. No, I don't have aspirations of earning a ADCH, MACH or being on a world team. Don't get me wrong, an ADCH has crossed my mind, but that's not why we do agility. We do agility because we enjoy it and it is an excellent outlet for Marley's energy.

My greatest joy is knowing that the dog I run came from a kill shelter and I saved her life the day I went down her kennel row. Yes, she has had some problems but those issues are a distant memory. I no longer worry that she might get 'snarky' with another dog. I don't have to grab her at the finish line and drag her by another dogs because she has issues. I don't have to completely cover her crate to block her view of other dogs because she is reactive. I see that all the time at trials and I actually feel sorry for the dog being put into a situation where it feels it has to react. I wish more owners would recognize the fact that their dog has issues and work on those issues.

Yes, I run a dog that has bilateral HD and painful feet at times. But rest assure, Marley is under the best veterinary care possible. I monitor her daily and minimize her training and trialing. Based upon her diagnoses, her career will likely be short. But I will remember every run I have with her! Good or bad. Just the fact that I get to run with such a fantastic dog is amazing! I may get upset with her performance at times, but I am enjoying every run. She may not Q or place, but Marley doens't know that. She just knows I am happy with her at the end of our run and that's why she does it. FOR ME!

Recently I decided to get another performance dog. Going to a breeder crossed my mind, but rescue is where my heart is. Once again, the dog I adopted came from a kill shelter. I love that my dogs are so different looking from every other breed running agility. The gate steward always knows Marley's name after the second run. Who can forget a blue eyed, blonde??

We have already started Kalea-Kate's training at 16 weeks old. She ran a full size dog walk with a hit contact her first night. She will be a fast learner and I am excited to have a puppy to train. I will continue to train Marley as long as she wants to continue to run.

Ribbons and placements are fun but running with your dog is the real reward! I will REMEMBER EVERY RUN I have with Marley!

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