Sunday, May 13, 2012


Today was a little rough for me. Not only was it Mother's Day but it was also my mom's birthday. She would have been 72 today. It was my first year not buying a card or gift or cake. My dad and I talked about where she would have wanted to eat or what she would have wanted to do.

Days are getting better for me. I feel more like myself than I have in a long time. Getting away last week was helpful. I still have another week and half off from work due to my fractured hip.

For the first time in 8 weeks, my hip has finally stopped hurting. I first noticed I could turn over in bed without being in severe pain last week. The pain has progressively decreased. I can walk short distances now...almost without a limp. The crutches are a pain and swallowing all those supplements is also a pain. But if it gets my hip better, then I will keep crutching and taking the supplements.

My good friend is coming early to agility classes on Mondays and training KK for me until I am released back to train. KK is so friendly that she will work for other people. Marley on the other hand is getting a break from agility. I am taking this time off from work to decide what my goals are for Marley in her agility career. Lots of soul searching going on....

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