2013 was a good year for us in the agility ring.
The end of January found us in McKinney at an AKC trial. Marley finished off her Excellent JWW title. She had a good Master Standard run going until she stopped in front of a jump to cough. She also earned her first Master JWW Q but I caused a refusal in her Standard run.
March was Monroe AKC. Marley was phenomenal! She Q'd every Standard run and earned her first QQ. Miss Kalea-Kate debut was in Monroe at the age of 16 mo. She came off the start line in her very first agility run and earned her first Q, Novice FAST. She proceeded to earn 2 Novice JWW legs with well over 4 yps. She had some great moments in her Standard runs but had some issues with the panel jump (never practiced it). She had a great rookie debut!! The very next weekend we went to Shreveport for another AKC trial. Marley earned a couple of Q's before coming up lame and I had to pull her from the trial. KK earned her Novice JWW Title (3 times in the ring, 3 Q's). She also added another Novice FAST Q to her weekend. KK decided that contacts were optional and didn't do a single one all weekend.
Marley continued to be lame and stayed on hip rest until the end of May. She was Xrayed form nose to tail to see if there was any other skeletal issues besides her HD that could have been causing the lameness. They found nothing. Then she had a mass appear suddenly on her shoulder. It was aspirated several times and a sample was finally sent to Texas A&M. The results came back as an infection within a fat pocket. Since she was already on antibiotics for her tummy, she didn't require any additional treatment. The mass disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The vet confided in me after the results came in that she thought it was going to come back as cancer.
KK and I went to Memphis AKC in April. Mar came along for the trip. KK earned her Novice FAST Title and Open JWW and FAST Q's. Her contact issues continued.
While Marley was sitting out on rest, I was notified by the AKC that Marley was the #1 AKC All American dog in Arkansas!! Very proud of my blue eyed girl!
Marley was cleared to run again so we went to Tulsa for another AKC trial. She ran well all weekend and earned a Master JWW Q. KK earned her Open JWW title and finally her contact issue was solved. She ran a smoking fast Novice Standard course on her last run of the weekend for a Q. We went to Springfield in June and ran on turf for the first time. Marley had a fantastic weekend going 3/4 with another QQ. KK earned another Novice Standard Q.
We were back in Monroe for more AKC in late June. Marley just wasn't herself. She was back on antibiotics for her stomach issues and had some lackluster runs. She did earn a Master Standard Q with a ton of MACH points. KK finished her Novice Standard Title. She also earned an Open Standard Q and an Excellent JWW Q. Her JWW run was over 5.3 yps!
July found us in Franklin for USDAA, my favorite agility venue. Marley was only entered in 4 runs. I caused 2 NQ's in Master Snooker. She missed a running contact in Advanced Standard one day and the second day we just weren't in sync. KK had a phenomenal weekend going 6/10. She ran a Starters Jumpers course in 20 seconds! Another great rookie debut.
July was a NADAC trial. Marley was just entered in Tunnelers and earned her Novice Tunnelers Title. KK had a great trial and went 5/10. KK got to see her foster mom too.
We were back in Springfield for another AKC trial in August. Mar earned a Master Standard Q but was not running as Mar. She began another round of hip rest. KK earned Open FAST and Standard Q's.
Marley stayed home in September when KK and I went to Shreveport for a USDAA trial. KK continued her steady agility performance. She earned 2 Titles: Starters Gamblers and Jumpers. Her Gamblers Title was 3/3 Q's.
I took Marley to the University of Missouri vet school for a hip replacement in October. Her HD had progressed but at the last minute I changed my mind and opted to manage her medically for now. She tore a pad on her foot after we got back and we spent a month trying to get that healed. KK finished her Open Standard Title in Carthage and her Open FAST Title in Little Rock. She also earned her first Excellent Standard Q. We also went to Holly Springs for some USDAA. KK had a great weekend earning a Starter Standard, Advanced Gamblers, Advanced Jumpers and Steeplechase Q's.
Our last trial of the year was December's Shreveport AKC trial. KK earned an Excellent FAST and Excellent Standard Q's. She had some great runs with just a bobble here and there. Our distance work is coming along and we are getting our act together as a team.
It was a good year for us. Marley earned 2 Titles and the honor of being the #1 All American in Arkansas but was on hip rest for the majority of the year. I will continue to run her but on a very limited basis. Kalea-Kate debuted at 16 months and proceeded to earn 8 titles in just 9 months of competing. 2013 was a good year indeed!!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Miss Kalea-Kate had a good trial last weekend in Shreveport. She earned a Q/1st in Excellent FAST on Saturday. It was a send to teeter, then to jump, and then out to a tunnel. It was a course that had 2 send lines, which was a first for us. I haven't trained teeter from a distance but this is the second time we have encountered them in FAST so that is now on our training list. She had a beautiful Excellent JWW course going until I did a blind cross at the tunnel and wasn't fast enough and she blew past a jump. Her time was still fast enough that she would have won the entire Excellent/Masters JWW class. She had a beautiful Standard run but slid off the table.
Sunday in JWW, I did a long lead out and did not anticipate where she would land and she ended up behind me and took off course jump. I decided that since she had already NQ'd, that we would work on our distance. She did some great work on her own and I left her weaving and ran to end of the weaves and did a front cross and was waiting on her to finish the rest of the course. That was the first time I have left her weaving and went on. I'm learning to trust her and our training. She earned a Q/1st in Excellent Standard. Beautiful run. We couldn't buy a Standard Q back in the summer and now she's doing them effortlessly. I didn't get bitch barked once on that course! As I was recording her results in her agility book, I noticed that she is getting faster. Every Standard Q run has increased in YPS by a quarter second. She's becoming quite the little agility dog!
We are on an agility break for the next 6-8 weeks. I am planning on more USDAA trials this coming year. Excited to get back to my 'roots'!!
Sunday in JWW, I did a long lead out and did not anticipate where she would land and she ended up behind me and took off course jump. I decided that since she had already NQ'd, that we would work on our distance. She did some great work on her own and I left her weaving and ran to end of the weaves and did a front cross and was waiting on her to finish the rest of the course. That was the first time I have left her weaving and went on. I'm learning to trust her and our training. She earned a Q/1st in Excellent Standard. Beautiful run. We couldn't buy a Standard Q back in the summer and now she's doing them effortlessly. I didn't get bitch barked once on that course! As I was recording her results in her agility book, I noticed that she is getting faster. Every Standard Q run has increased in YPS by a quarter second. She's becoming quite the little agility dog!
We are on an agility break for the next 6-8 weeks. I am planning on more USDAA trials this coming year. Excited to get back to my 'roots'!!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
If you go to dog shows or agility trials, I'm sure you have run into some real interesting people. For the most part, dog people are pretty cool but there are some that really irk me.
People in General
1. People that walk their dogs at a trial on a Flexi. These are the same people that pay no attention to their dog when the Flexi is extended out all the way. These people typically don't pick up after their dog because they 'didn't see' their dog take a crap. Perhaps if your dog wasn't 20 feet away and you weren't on your cell phone, you could pay attention to your dog.
2. People that throw balls up and down the crating area. These people want others to know they are playing with their dog....so they appear to be an excellent owner.
3. People that play tug and rev up their dog in the crating area. They also want people to think they are excellent owners.
4. People that must relive their run, over and over to anyone that will listen. They just want attention.
5. People that hog the results book. They also like to stand there and write down pertinent info in their dog's record book. Umm, the trial secretary emails you results. Write them down at home or when there isn't a line waiting to check results.
6. People that line up 25 dogs before their dog's turn. They often have snarky dogs. And are oblivious to that fact.
7. People that block the exits or stand in the aisle when you are trying to get your dog safely back to it's crate.
8. People with snarky dogs that crate near aisles. They are never around to correct the dog.
9. People that have barking dogs that don't cover their crates. Don't worry, I will cover it for you!!
10. People that don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Umm, your hands are dirty. They are often seen eating MACH cake too.
Complete Strangers
1. Complete strangers that give unsolicited advice. Case in point: After a NQ'd Novice Standard run with KK that I was pleased with because of our teamwork, a complete stranger came up to me and said "You know you had too many errors to Q."
2. Compete stranger came up to me and interrupted a conversation I was having with my instructor at a trial to ask me if "I dyed my hair to match my dog (Marley) or if I got Marley to match my hair". Umm, really??
People I Know
1. If you run a little dog, please don't give me handling advice. You are just outrunning your little dog around a course, I can't do that with my dog that is 20 feet ahead of me.
2. If you have ignored me all weekend at a trial, please don't walk clear across the venue to tell me you QQ'd. I don't care.
3. If you have ignored my friend and I at a 3 day trial, don't walk over while I'm videoing to tell me that my friend just NQ'd. Really??
3. If I mention that my baby dog barely missed the first place score in Masters and she's in Excellent for the first time, please don't snark back that the Masters dog's owner was running it 'cautiously' so it could Q. I guess trying to downplay my success makes you feel better.
4. During 'walk thrus', please don't walk up to me and tell me how many MACH points you have. I don't care and I am trying to learn my dog's course.
5. Be careful about bragging about you and your dog's accomplishments. The internet makes it easy to check your results for accuracy.
6. I don't appreciate it when you ask me "how long are you going to keep saying your dog is a baby dog?" I'm going to keep saying it as she is 2 years old and has only been competing for 9 months. I'm also going to keep saying it because you refer to your dog as 'green' and 'stills needs seasoning' when you have been competing for 3 years and you trial almost every weekend!
7. If you are going to talk bad about me, please be sure you aren't sitting behind my non agility friend who is filming for me. So now when I want to watch Marley's first agility runs, I must mute the video. Thanks for that!!
Dog people are usually pretty cool!
People in General
1. People that walk their dogs at a trial on a Flexi. These are the same people that pay no attention to their dog when the Flexi is extended out all the way. These people typically don't pick up after their dog because they 'didn't see' their dog take a crap. Perhaps if your dog wasn't 20 feet away and you weren't on your cell phone, you could pay attention to your dog.
2. People that throw balls up and down the crating area. These people want others to know they are playing with their dog....so they appear to be an excellent owner.
3. People that play tug and rev up their dog in the crating area. They also want people to think they are excellent owners.
4. People that must relive their run, over and over to anyone that will listen. They just want attention.
5. People that hog the results book. They also like to stand there and write down pertinent info in their dog's record book. Umm, the trial secretary emails you results. Write them down at home or when there isn't a line waiting to check results.
6. People that line up 25 dogs before their dog's turn. They often have snarky dogs. And are oblivious to that fact.
7. People that block the exits or stand in the aisle when you are trying to get your dog safely back to it's crate.
8. People with snarky dogs that crate near aisles. They are never around to correct the dog.
9. People that have barking dogs that don't cover their crates. Don't worry, I will cover it for you!!
10. People that don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Umm, your hands are dirty. They are often seen eating MACH cake too.
Complete Strangers
1. Complete strangers that give unsolicited advice. Case in point: After a NQ'd Novice Standard run with KK that I was pleased with because of our teamwork, a complete stranger came up to me and said "You know you had too many errors to Q."
2. Compete stranger came up to me and interrupted a conversation I was having with my instructor at a trial to ask me if "I dyed my hair to match my dog (Marley) or if I got Marley to match my hair". Umm, really??
People I Know
1. If you run a little dog, please don't give me handling advice. You are just outrunning your little dog around a course, I can't do that with my dog that is 20 feet ahead of me.
2. If you have ignored me all weekend at a trial, please don't walk clear across the venue to tell me you QQ'd. I don't care.
3. If you have ignored my friend and I at a 3 day trial, don't walk over while I'm videoing to tell me that my friend just NQ'd. Really??
3. If I mention that my baby dog barely missed the first place score in Masters and she's in Excellent for the first time, please don't snark back that the Masters dog's owner was running it 'cautiously' so it could Q. I guess trying to downplay my success makes you feel better.
4. During 'walk thrus', please don't walk up to me and tell me how many MACH points you have. I don't care and I am trying to learn my dog's course.
5. Be careful about bragging about you and your dog's accomplishments. The internet makes it easy to check your results for accuracy.
6. I don't appreciate it when you ask me "how long are you going to keep saying your dog is a baby dog?" I'm going to keep saying it as she is 2 years old and has only been competing for 9 months. I'm also going to keep saying it because you refer to your dog as 'green' and 'stills needs seasoning' when you have been competing for 3 years and you trial almost every weekend!
7. If you are going to talk bad about me, please be sure you aren't sitting behind my non agility friend who is filming for me. So now when I want to watch Marley's first agility runs, I must mute the video. Thanks for that!!
Dog people are usually pretty cool!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
I have really struggled this year with my health and on a personal level with my own demons. I've really had a hard time being diagnosed with several chronic health issues. The chronic fatigue has affected me more than anything. I was told a few weeks ago that basically I just need to live with it. That certainly didn't make me feel better. It's hard to pick yourself up and be healthy and active when you could literally shut your eyes at a traffic light and sleep. It's hard to motivate yourself when you are chronically fatigued. It's hard to keep going.
I have felt so beat down that I have let people walk on me and really didn't care. I have let people make snide little comments and I didn't smart back.
I found the lyrics to Sara Bareilles' song 'Brave' and it sounded a lot like what I've been experiencing. It's time to be heard and not walked on like a doormat. I will be distancing myself from those who try to bring me down and trying to stay upbeat and positive.
2014 will be the year I'm 'Brave'!!
You can be amazing
You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug
You can be the outcast
Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love
Or you can start speaking up
Nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do
When they settle 'neath your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes a shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you
You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug
You can be the outcast
Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love
Or you can start speaking up
Nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do
When they settle 'neath your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes a shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
Everybody's been there, everybody's been stared down
By the enemy
Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing
Bow down to the mighty
Don't run, stop holding your tongue
Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me how big your brave is
By the enemy
Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing
Bow down to the mighty
Don't run, stop holding your tongue
Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me how big your brave is
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
Ever since your history of silence
Won't do you any good
Did you think it would?
Let your words be anything but empty
Why don't you tell them the truth?
Won't do you any good
Did you think it would?
Let your words be anything but empty
Why don't you tell them the truth?
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
Monday, November 25, 2013
Kalea-Kate went to her third USDAA agility trial over the weekend. She is really proving herself to be a force to be reckoned with in agility.
She had a near perfect day on Saturday. She was in Advanced Gamblers and Advanced Jumpers for the first time. In Gamblers, she ran perfect. Paid attention, ran the path I wanted her to. When the buzzer went off for the Gamble, she didn't hesitate. Went right out to the tunnel and straight down the line of jumps without a bobble. Q/1st.
She held it together on Advanced Jumpers run for another Q/1st. Starters Snooker was an almost. She back jumped #6 in the closing so we ended up with not enough point to Q. I never got a good feel for the Snooker course, just couldn't get a plan together...KK was honest with me about not knowing the plan and it kinda fell apart.
Starters Standard was near flawless for a Q/1st. Missed weave entry but other than that, she was right on. That was the only missed weave entry of the weekend.
I entered KK in Steeplechase just to see what she would do. She was flawless and Qualified!!! I think she was by far the youngest dog in the field and I was bursting with pride over her performance!!
Sunday ended with no Q's but with lots of bright spots. She ran clean in Advanced Jumpers but was overtime....she was a little slow because I had let her chase geese with Marley earlier. My oops.
Starters Pairs was a complete bust. KK had one bobble but pairs is a duo and if your duo can't do it, then you are sunk! We did run accommodating partner for someone else and KK ran clean.
Starter Standard was lovely until the table when KK decided she did not have to 'down' nor did she even have to look at me. We will be practicing lots of table downs before the next trial.
Steeplechase finals was beautiful until #16 where she took an off course. I should have done a shoulder pull to the left but I didn't and the off course jump was in front of her and she took it. I'm just proud she made Finals.
I got lots of compliments on KK and how well trained she is. She is a diamond in the rough that is starting to shine brightly!!
She had a near perfect day on Saturday. She was in Advanced Gamblers and Advanced Jumpers for the first time. In Gamblers, she ran perfect. Paid attention, ran the path I wanted her to. When the buzzer went off for the Gamble, she didn't hesitate. Went right out to the tunnel and straight down the line of jumps without a bobble. Q/1st.
She held it together on Advanced Jumpers run for another Q/1st. Starters Snooker was an almost. She back jumped #6 in the closing so we ended up with not enough point to Q. I never got a good feel for the Snooker course, just couldn't get a plan together...KK was honest with me about not knowing the plan and it kinda fell apart.
Starters Standard was near flawless for a Q/1st. Missed weave entry but other than that, she was right on. That was the only missed weave entry of the weekend.
I entered KK in Steeplechase just to see what she would do. She was flawless and Qualified!!! I think she was by far the youngest dog in the field and I was bursting with pride over her performance!!
Sunday ended with no Q's but with lots of bright spots. She ran clean in Advanced Jumpers but was overtime....she was a little slow because I had let her chase geese with Marley earlier. My oops.
Starters Pairs was a complete bust. KK had one bobble but pairs is a duo and if your duo can't do it, then you are sunk! We did run accommodating partner for someone else and KK ran clean.
Starter Standard was lovely until the table when KK decided she did not have to 'down' nor did she even have to look at me. We will be practicing lots of table downs before the next trial.
Steeplechase finals was beautiful until #16 where she took an off course. I should have done a shoulder pull to the left but I didn't and the off course jump was in front of her and she took it. I'm just proud she made Finals.
I got lots of compliments on KK and how well trained she is. She is a diamond in the rough that is starting to shine brightly!!
Videos of her runs can be found on our YouTube Account: RunARescueAgility
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Kate and I ran in our local AKC club's All Breed Agility Trial this first weekend in November. It was a good trial for us. She finished her Open FAST Title and got an Excellent Standard leg. She is in all Excellent classes after 6 months of trialing...not bad for a baby who just turned 2.
This trial really opened my eyes to how just the slightest shoulder rotation or a dropped hand can cause Kate to come in to me or take an off course. I am going to have to really concentrate on my handling skills. Distance will be our friend! I'm lucky that Kate has an awesome start line stay, because that is the only time I will be ahead of her on a course. She is so much fun to run! I can't wait to see where our journey takes us!
We have 2 more trials this year. USDAA next weekend and an AKC trial in early December. I have entered Marley in the AKC trial and am hopeful she will be able to compete. The USDAA trial should be fun as a lot of my training buddies are entered too. Trialing is so much fun when your real friends are there!
This trial really opened my eyes to how just the slightest shoulder rotation or a dropped hand can cause Kate to come in to me or take an off course. I am going to have to really concentrate on my handling skills. Distance will be our friend! I'm lucky that Kate has an awesome start line stay, because that is the only time I will be ahead of her on a course. She is so much fun to run! I can't wait to see where our journey takes us!
We have 2 more trials this year. USDAA next weekend and an AKC trial in early December. I have entered Marley in the AKC trial and am hopeful she will be able to compete. The USDAA trial should be fun as a lot of my training buddies are entered too. Trialing is so much fun when your real friends are there!
Monday, November 4, 2013
We ventured to Carthage, MO 2 weekends ago for some AKC agility. Just KK was entered. We had a good weekend. She earned her Open Standard Title and I moved her up the next day to Excellent Standard. She had a good Standard run with just some baby mistakes. Both of her Excellent JWW runs had some baby mistakes or handling errors on my part. I'm learning how to handle from the rear. I will never be able to run with KK like I do with Marley. There is no way I can front cross her in a jumpers run....to front cross you have to be ahead of your dog and that will not happen with KK.
I found the trial venue to be filthy. Animal excrement on the railings. No where decent to walk your dog. The venue was so disgusting that I would not bring my other dogs inside. I left them in the van. I could not risk Marley getting an infection in her paw from the filth. The trial secretary was not nice and unfortunately I had to speak to her several times. Carthage does not have much to choose from in terms of restaurants. There was a restaurant on the venue premises but after seeing how nasty the venue was, there was no way we would eat there. Carthage is at the bottom of my trial venues, I don't now if we will go there again.
On a positive note, we got to go to Precious Moments Chapel. It's changed some in the past 10 years. Unfortunately it's been hit by the bad economy. But it is such a peaceful place and I have such good memories of being there with my mom. We stayed at the Best Western Precious Moments motel and it was just as wonderful as I remember it. So the trip to Carthage was worth it.
Monday, October 21, 2013
We are a few weeks removed from our UM-Columbia vet visit. We took a few days to rest and then I started some rehab with Marley. Walking up hills. Exhausting but good for us. On those walks I had time to think and make decisions. One of the decisions I made was about Marley's future.
Marley is officially semi-retired. I will enter her in trials here and there for fun and because I love to run with her. I had put so much pressure on myself to push Marley farther than anyone thought we could go. When she started showing signs of failure physically, I just couldn't see past my goals...I wanted to continue to prove people wrong about her. I couldn't see that she was physically struggling, she was hurting, all I could see was MY dreams dying. I couldn't see her trying to please me despite her pain.
As one vet told me right after Marley was diagnosed with bilateral HD 'it will always be a push and pull with Marley'. Some times I will be pushing her to exercise, to let me do her stretches and other times I will be pulling her back in, trying to reign her in. Marley has been feeling good the last week or so. Active, playing and back to full on chase and wrestling with KK. Watching her so happy and carefree makes me dream about what could have been. But it was not to be.
I will always have my dreams for Marley and they may remain just that...dreams.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Marley and I went to the University of Missouri's Veterinary Hospital in Columbia on Sunday. She had a 1pm appointment on Monday. I went into the appointment with the full intent on having a Total Hip Replacement on Marley's left hip. I had prepared myself, was ready for the rehab...
We had a great 4th year vet student. We went over Marley's history and he did his exam. I had to laugh when he came back in to ask me something that he knew his supervising vet was going to ask him. I'm unfortunately not new to going to vet schools and their procedures. This makes #4. I could hear the student present Marley and could hear them discussing her agility.
The supervising vet came in and talked with us and did an exam on Marley. Pain was elicited on both hips when extended. She has good muscle mass but has a minimal decrease on the left. Then he asked me if I had achieved everything I wanted with Marley in agility. Tears immediately filled my eyes and I fought hard to keep them from falling. I told him I hadn't, but I was ok to retire her, that I don't want her to be in pain.
The vet went over 2 choices. The first is to medically manage her. Which would be getting about 2 pounds off her (she's an ideal weight now but he wants her on the skinny side), keeping her active (2/3 low impact exercise (swimming, walking up hills), 1/3 high impact exercise (minimal agility!)), and managing her pain.
Our other option is a Total Hip Replacement. They could do the surgery the next day, she would be hospitalized for 2 nights and then would be sent home. I would have specific instructions regarding her activity. We would have to return in 8 weeks to the vet school for follow up. He discussed how she would probably need to have the other hip replaced and they could do that 3 months after the first hip. He went over all the complications of a THR and what would need to be done if she had one of those complications. He said if she had the THR she would be back in agility within 6 months with no restrictions.
He laid all the information out and then asked what I wanted to do. There was no pressure to do the THR, just what I wanted to do. I said I want to see one more set of Xrays but I was leaning towards a THR. They said they thought that was a good idea. I signed the consents and left for some lunch.
They called while I was at lunch and told me to come back. The new Xrays revealed some progression of the HD and a new bone spur on the left. When the new Xrays were compared to the ones I had brought with me from 2 years ago, there just wasn't a whole lot of difference. As I stood there looking at those Xrays, I changed my mind. I said I wanted to medically manage her. They were totally supportive of my decision. They took the time to go back over everything with me. Although we dodged the bullet this visit, it is inevitable that we will be back within a few years and we will walk out with a THR.
We had a great 4th year vet student. We went over Marley's history and he did his exam. I had to laugh when he came back in to ask me something that he knew his supervising vet was going to ask him. I'm unfortunately not new to going to vet schools and their procedures. This makes #4. I could hear the student present Marley and could hear them discussing her agility.
The supervising vet came in and talked with us and did an exam on Marley. Pain was elicited on both hips when extended. She has good muscle mass but has a minimal decrease on the left. Then he asked me if I had achieved everything I wanted with Marley in agility. Tears immediately filled my eyes and I fought hard to keep them from falling. I told him I hadn't, but I was ok to retire her, that I don't want her to be in pain.
The vet went over 2 choices. The first is to medically manage her. Which would be getting about 2 pounds off her (she's an ideal weight now but he wants her on the skinny side), keeping her active (2/3 low impact exercise (swimming, walking up hills), 1/3 high impact exercise (minimal agility!)), and managing her pain.
Our other option is a Total Hip Replacement. They could do the surgery the next day, she would be hospitalized for 2 nights and then would be sent home. I would have specific instructions regarding her activity. We would have to return in 8 weeks to the vet school for follow up. He discussed how she would probably need to have the other hip replaced and they could do that 3 months after the first hip. He went over all the complications of a THR and what would need to be done if she had one of those complications. He said if she had the THR she would be back in agility within 6 months with no restrictions.
He laid all the information out and then asked what I wanted to do. There was no pressure to do the THR, just what I wanted to do. I said I want to see one more set of Xrays but I was leaning towards a THR. They said they thought that was a good idea. I signed the consents and left for some lunch.
They called while I was at lunch and told me to come back. The new Xrays revealed some progression of the HD and a new bone spur on the left. When the new Xrays were compared to the ones I had brought with me from 2 years ago, there just wasn't a whole lot of difference. As I stood there looking at those Xrays, I changed my mind. I said I wanted to medically manage her. They were totally supportive of my decision. They took the time to go back over everything with me. Although we dodged the bullet this visit, it is inevitable that we will be back within a few years and we will walk out with a THR.
Friday, October 4, 2013
The orthopedic appointment that I have been putting off since Marley's bilateral hip dysplasia diagnosis is upon me. We go Monday. I should know late Monday afternoon if Marley will require surgery now or if we can put it off until later.
I have cried thousands of tears since her diagnosis in April 2009. We have overcome so many obstacles but this is one obstacle we cannot overcome. The time has come to make a decision.
And I have made my decision. Marley will receive whatever she needs. I owe it to her. She has been by my side and has done what I've asked of her in agility and rally and that dreaded obedience. She has endured so much both physically and psychologically. And she has done it in true Marley style...big blue eyes and that precious head tilt.
But the reality is that hip dysplasia will end her agility career.
I have cried thousands of tears since her diagnosis in April 2009. We have overcome so many obstacles but this is one obstacle we cannot overcome. The time has come to make a decision.
And I have made my decision. Marley will receive whatever she needs. I owe it to her. She has been by my side and has done what I've asked of her in agility and rally and that dreaded obedience. She has endured so much both physically and psychologically. And she has done it in true Marley style...big blue eyes and that precious head tilt.
But the reality is that hip dysplasia will end her agility career.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
KK and I went to Shreveport last weekend for an USDAA trial. It was our first trial that we went to without Marley. I was sad thinking that this may be our new reality. Marley may never get to trial again. KK started going to trials with us when she was about 8 months old so she could get used to the trial environment. I was a little worried about how she would do without Marley there, but KK is a little trooper and she did great.
Shreveport was very successful for us and I brought home homework. I felt that our handling was pretty good, lots of easy rear crosses. Kate only dropped one bar all weekend, but she decided that the down on the table was optional and her refusal to down cost us 2 Q's. This was the venue that she started refusing contacts so I was pleased she did her contacts....the table can be worked on.
KK earned 2 Starter Jumper Q's both with first places and her Starters Jumpers Title. She also earned her Starters Gamblers Title with a first. She earned her Gamblers Title 3 out of 3 runs. We also added another Starters Pairs Q with a first. My favorite game, Snooker, snookered us twice. I thought this judge had very challenging courses for Starters dogs. She had bad angles with most of her courses.
I enjoyed working the Master Standard and Snooker classes, especially the C22 classes. In my opinion, those are the fastest and most talented dogs. I took a lot away from that trial simply by working the ring and watching how handlers handled their fast dogs. I hope one day that Kate will be there with those C22 dogs.
We are taking a break from trialing and training until after we get back from the beach and after Marley is seen by Orthopedics. But I can't wait to get back to some USDAA agility!!
Shreveport was very successful for us and I brought home homework. I felt that our handling was pretty good, lots of easy rear crosses. Kate only dropped one bar all weekend, but she decided that the down on the table was optional and her refusal to down cost us 2 Q's. This was the venue that she started refusing contacts so I was pleased she did her contacts....the table can be worked on.
KK earned 2 Starter Jumper Q's both with first places and her Starters Jumpers Title. She also earned her Starters Gamblers Title with a first. She earned her Gamblers Title 3 out of 3 runs. We also added another Starters Pairs Q with a first. My favorite game, Snooker, snookered us twice. I thought this judge had very challenging courses for Starters dogs. She had bad angles with most of her courses.
I enjoyed working the Master Standard and Snooker classes, especially the C22 classes. In my opinion, those are the fastest and most talented dogs. I took a lot away from that trial simply by working the ring and watching how handlers handled their fast dogs. I hope one day that Kate will be there with those C22 dogs.
We are taking a break from trialing and training until after we get back from the beach and after Marley is seen by Orthopedics. But I can't wait to get back to some USDAA agility!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
KK has a USDAA agility trial this weekend. It will be our last trial for awhile. Marley is staying home with Granddad and Molly and Missy. This will be the first time Marley hasn't been to an agility trial since KK started trialing. So it will be KK's first time traveling with me by herself. I'm interested in seeing how she does solo.
No pressure. Just going to go play with KK. We haven't done much training this summer due to the heat. We did venture out to agility class last night. It gave us a chance to run a full course...something we have only do at trials. I don't think we've been to class since May. KK and I have a lot to learn together. But I hope she has a long and healthy career.
I had a few trials planned for the fall but now with Marley's hip issues, I'm pulling entries. I'm sad that Marley's career is likely over. I can't help but think we got cheated. Cheated out of a long career. Cheated out of being healthy. Cheated. But I'm even more sad that I can't fix her without causing her even more pain. It's hard to see her lie in the same spot, nite after nite. She rarely plays with KK anymore. Just stays put and sleeps. She also stands in place for long periods of time. I feel like everything is on hold until after her ortho appointment. I'm just hoping for answers and treatment. I don't know if I can put her through a THR. I just don't know.
After this weekend, I'm finally going to take that break I've been talking about. I even went out and cleared all the equipment off the agility yard. The only thing left on the field is the dog walk and it has to stay where it is.
It's our time to get healthy....physically, mentally and emotionally.
No pressure. Just going to go play with KK. We haven't done much training this summer due to the heat. We did venture out to agility class last night. It gave us a chance to run a full course...something we have only do at trials. I don't think we've been to class since May. KK and I have a lot to learn together. But I hope she has a long and healthy career.
I had a few trials planned for the fall but now with Marley's hip issues, I'm pulling entries. I'm sad that Marley's career is likely over. I can't help but think we got cheated. Cheated out of a long career. Cheated out of being healthy. Cheated. But I'm even more sad that I can't fix her without causing her even more pain. It's hard to see her lie in the same spot, nite after nite. She rarely plays with KK anymore. Just stays put and sleeps. She also stands in place for long periods of time. I feel like everything is on hold until after her ortho appointment. I'm just hoping for answers and treatment. I don't know if I can put her through a THR. I just don't know.
After this weekend, I'm finally going to take that break I've been talking about. I even went out and cleared all the equipment off the agility yard. The only thing left on the field is the dog walk and it has to stay where it is.
It's our time to get healthy....physically, mentally and emotionally.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Marley has been having more pain the last few weeks. She's just not herself. Wants to be left alone. Wants to sleep in rooms by herself. She's back on pain meds daily. I finally decided enough is enough. I need to get an expert on HD to see Marley. I need a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan. I'm hoping surgery isn't warranted at this time or any time but I'm mentally preparing myself for it.
So we head to Missouri in early October. For an evaluation and possible surgery. I don't know much more at this time. I do know if surgery is needed, Mar will be hospitalized for at least 2 days and we will have lots of crate rest when she comes home. I realized I can't drive the K9 TAXI to MO. If she does have surgery, there's no way I can get her in and out of the van safely. So she may ride to MO in style...in the Highlander.
So we head to Missouri in early October. For an evaluation and possible surgery. I don't know much more at this time. I do know if surgery is needed, Mar will be hospitalized for at least 2 days and we will have lots of crate rest when she comes home. I realized I can't drive the K9 TAXI to MO. If she does have surgery, there's no way I can get her in and out of the van safely. So she may ride to MO in style...in the Highlander.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Marley has been having some 'odd behavior' lately. I've been watching her closely as she is on hip rest. So maybe I am reading something into it, but she is not acting herself.
From the day she got house freedom, she has always slept on the right side of my bed with her butt touching my ribs all night. Once I tried to sleep on the right side of the bed only to wake up the next morning back on the left side and Marley was back in her usual spot. In the past few weeks, she has quit sleeping with me. She doesn't even come into the bedroom anymore. Odd.
Even more odd, I'm finding her sleep in different places. Sometimes it's in the kitchen by the stove or in the living room floor. Off course the first thing that goes through my head is pain. Maybe the jumping up on the bed is painful for her.
Another weird thing is she often just stands in one place. Doesn't do anything but stand there. Odd.
We go to the beach in a few weeks. Hoping she doesn't come home lame as she usually does. I'm really dreading having her Xrayed again. I'm not ready to deal with her HD starring back at me in black and white.
From the day she got house freedom, she has always slept on the right side of my bed with her butt touching my ribs all night. Once I tried to sleep on the right side of the bed only to wake up the next morning back on the left side and Marley was back in her usual spot. In the past few weeks, she has quit sleeping with me. She doesn't even come into the bedroom anymore. Odd.
Even more odd, I'm finding her sleep in different places. Sometimes it's in the kitchen by the stove or in the living room floor. Off course the first thing that goes through my head is pain. Maybe the jumping up on the bed is painful for her.
Another weird thing is she often just stands in one place. Doesn't do anything but stand there. Odd.
We go to the beach in a few weeks. Hoping she doesn't come home lame as she usually does. I'm really dreading having her Xrayed again. I'm not ready to deal with her HD starring back at me in black and white.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
While Marley is on prolonged activity restrictions, I have started researching hip replacement for her. Hoping it never comes to that, but if it does I want to be ready. So much to research. Where to go, what surgeon, what type of surgery, both hips or just one, cemented or non cemented hip, recovery, rehab and the list goes on and on.
During my yearly blood draw, it was discovered that one of my thyroid tests was 10 times normal.....accounting for the weight gain and extreme fatigue I have been enduring. So I got a new prescription and orders to come back in 3 months.
I've been having some problems with right foot pain. I went to the ortho who took Xrays and discovered I have an unusual bone structure in my baby toe. Says it probably came from repeated sprains while I was growing up. I'm so weird, I know. Anyhow, I have plantar fasciitis. Now I have it in both feet. Joy, joy! So I get to do lots of stretches and splinting.
KK and I are entered in an USDAA trial in LA in a few weeks. After that it's beach time and a long break. I need a break!!! Counting down the days until I'm on the beach!!!
During my yearly blood draw, it was discovered that one of my thyroid tests was 10 times normal.....accounting for the weight gain and extreme fatigue I have been enduring. So I got a new prescription and orders to come back in 3 months.
I've been having some problems with right foot pain. I went to the ortho who took Xrays and discovered I have an unusual bone structure in my baby toe. Says it probably came from repeated sprains while I was growing up. I'm so weird, I know. Anyhow, I have plantar fasciitis. Now I have it in both feet. Joy, joy! So I get to do lots of stretches and splinting.
KK and I are entered in an USDAA trial in LA in a few weeks. After that it's beach time and a long break. I need a break!!! Counting down the days until I'm on the beach!!!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Marley is on hip rest again. Probably for 3 months. I think this may be the beginning of the end of her agility career. I don't think we are going to reach our goal of earning her MX titles. I don't think she will be able to stay healthy enough.
I had noticed in the last few trials, Marley just wasn't herself. She still tried in each run, but we just weren't able to pull it together. Marley is known for being a pokey weaver but her weaving is now just walking the poles. Ding, ding, ding. Weaving is hard on the hips. So if you have HD, weaving causes pain. She still manages some great runs but I usually cause a refusal so NQ for us. Mar's last run in Springfield was a NQ for us, but what I remember was she was HAPPY when she finished. So if that was our last run together, at least I know she was happy! Some people though Mar was being a toot by the way she was running and may have even laughed about it, but I bet they never noticed how she was running. As I was reviewing her runs, it is very apparent she was bunny hopping...a sign her hips were hurting her.
I talked to her vet a long time last week. One of the first things he asked me was 'Have you achieved everything you wanted to with Marley?" I told him "no, but I'm ok if I have to retire her, I just don't want her to be in pain". It makes me so sad to think that her career is probably over at just 5 years old. But it hurts me more to think that she's in pain. Mar is very stoic and rarely shows pain unless its pretty bad. This week she's been staying in the office in her crate a lot by herself so I know she's in some pain. Plus she's not been playing with KK much. The vet and I discussed different pain meds and the best ones at this point in time to make her comfortable. No mention of surgery yet but I know that is just a matter of time before I have to make that decision.
I mailed off entries for 2 agility trials this week. Only KK's were in the envelope. That mad me very sad. If you aren't invested in a sport, then you don't know how hard it is to be at a point where you are deciding to retire a dog. Yes, it's a dog and it's just a sport. But I have invested so much in my dog and my dreams and it hurts to think that it's over. It hurts. I had already entered Marley in a trial at the end of October and I did enter her in a few runs at our home club's trial in early November. I will wait and see how she is doing before I pull those entries.
I had so many hopes and dreams for Marley. I didn't count on her having HD. I didn't count on some of the turmoil early in her training. But we live and learn. Regardless of whether Marley can ever compete again or not, she will have the best life possible.
I had noticed in the last few trials, Marley just wasn't herself. She still tried in each run, but we just weren't able to pull it together. Marley is known for being a pokey weaver but her weaving is now just walking the poles. Ding, ding, ding. Weaving is hard on the hips. So if you have HD, weaving causes pain. She still manages some great runs but I usually cause a refusal so NQ for us. Mar's last run in Springfield was a NQ for us, but what I remember was she was HAPPY when she finished. So if that was our last run together, at least I know she was happy! Some people though Mar was being a toot by the way she was running and may have even laughed about it, but I bet they never noticed how she was running. As I was reviewing her runs, it is very apparent she was bunny hopping...a sign her hips were hurting her.
I talked to her vet a long time last week. One of the first things he asked me was 'Have you achieved everything you wanted to with Marley?" I told him "no, but I'm ok if I have to retire her, I just don't want her to be in pain". It makes me so sad to think that her career is probably over at just 5 years old. But it hurts me more to think that she's in pain. Mar is very stoic and rarely shows pain unless its pretty bad. This week she's been staying in the office in her crate a lot by herself so I know she's in some pain. Plus she's not been playing with KK much. The vet and I discussed different pain meds and the best ones at this point in time to make her comfortable. No mention of surgery yet but I know that is just a matter of time before I have to make that decision.
I mailed off entries for 2 agility trials this week. Only KK's were in the envelope. That mad me very sad. If you aren't invested in a sport, then you don't know how hard it is to be at a point where you are deciding to retire a dog. Yes, it's a dog and it's just a sport. But I have invested so much in my dog and my dreams and it hurts to think that it's over. It hurts. I had already entered Marley in a trial at the end of October and I did enter her in a few runs at our home club's trial in early November. I will wait and see how she is doing before I pull those entries.
I had so many hopes and dreams for Marley. I didn't count on her having HD. I didn't count on some of the turmoil early in her training. But we live and learn. Regardless of whether Marley can ever compete again or not, she will have the best life possible.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
TRUST. Definition: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; one in which confidence is placed. 5 little letters. TRUST.
I have found myself not trusting Marley in agility but trusting a 21 m/o KK. It should be the other way around. I have been competing with Marley off and on for 3 years. I just realized we just had our 3 year anniversary. Totally forgot all about it. I think I have let my 'head' get in the way. I've gotten swept up by Q ing or earning new titles. I've forgotten why I do agility with Marley. I do agility because I love it. I love a challenge. I love running with my dog. I love being with my girls.
Marley trusts me. I will never know what damage was done to her in her first few weeks of life. But it was enough damage that she still carries it with her every day. Sometimes she sees something or hears something, and she gets this haunted look in her eyes and she just wants to get away. I have loved her from the moment I first saw her and have strived to give her the best home possible. I will always wonder about her past but I know I can't do anything about it. I can't change her past. All I can do is love her. Love her for her.
She is my soul. She gets me. I don't know why I can't trust her in agility. The sport I picked for us to run together. My head has gotten cloudy and I've put my goals ahead of Marley. I let other people get in my head and I didn't want to be left behind when hearing about their 'successes'. And along the line, I lost my trust in her. I know this is our journey and no one else's. And we are going to enjoy our journey together!
You never know the last time you will get to run agility with your dog. You never know the last time you will step to the line together or run across the finish together. It can be taken from you in a split second. A second and everything could be gone.
As I sit here typing with tears running down my cheeks, I know I will enjoy every run with Marley. I will trust her. I don't want our last run to be one that I didn't enjoy or even worse, a run that Marley didn't enjoy. I'm going to quit trying so hard to "Q" or focusing on how many QQ's she has or how many PACH points she has. I'm going to quit running with those thoughts in my head. I'm going to run Marley because I love to run with her. So if you see us run, I hope you see both of us having a fun time together. She deserves that. She deserves for me to trust her.
(Our 1st Snooker SuperQ and we won the whole class!! She might not have been the fastest, but she was consistent!)
I've had people tell me to retire Marley because I have KK and KK loves agility and has the potential to go far. I still believe that Marley loves agility and when people say that about her, it hurts my feelings. Marley isn't a cookie cutter agility dog nor is she a dog that I can outrun on a course (you know those people that just run and their dog takes any obstacle the handler runs past). She is Marley. She may decide to walk one course and the next she may be a speed demon. She keeps me on my toes.When I see video like this, I know Marley still loves agility.
So the next time we step to the line together, I will TRUST Marley. Regardless of the outcome of our runs, I will believe in my girl and that's all I need.
Here's a tribute to my baby girl.
I have found myself not trusting Marley in agility but trusting a 21 m/o KK. It should be the other way around. I have been competing with Marley off and on for 3 years. I just realized we just had our 3 year anniversary. Totally forgot all about it. I think I have let my 'head' get in the way. I've gotten swept up by Q ing or earning new titles. I've forgotten why I do agility with Marley. I do agility because I love it. I love a challenge. I love running with my dog. I love being with my girls.
Marley trusts me. I will never know what damage was done to her in her first few weeks of life. But it was enough damage that she still carries it with her every day. Sometimes she sees something or hears something, and she gets this haunted look in her eyes and she just wants to get away. I have loved her from the moment I first saw her and have strived to give her the best home possible. I will always wonder about her past but I know I can't do anything about it. I can't change her past. All I can do is love her. Love her for her.
She is my soul. She gets me. I don't know why I can't trust her in agility. The sport I picked for us to run together. My head has gotten cloudy and I've put my goals ahead of Marley. I let other people get in my head and I didn't want to be left behind when hearing about their 'successes'. And along the line, I lost my trust in her. I know this is our journey and no one else's. And we are going to enjoy our journey together!
You never know the last time you will get to run agility with your dog. You never know the last time you will step to the line together or run across the finish together. It can be taken from you in a split second. A second and everything could be gone.
As I sit here typing with tears running down my cheeks, I know I will enjoy every run with Marley. I will trust her. I don't want our last run to be one that I didn't enjoy or even worse, a run that Marley didn't enjoy. I'm going to quit trying so hard to "Q" or focusing on how many QQ's she has or how many PACH points she has. I'm going to quit running with those thoughts in my head. I'm going to run Marley because I love to run with her. So if you see us run, I hope you see both of us having a fun time together. She deserves that. She deserves for me to trust her.
I've had people tell me to retire Marley because I have KK and KK loves agility and has the potential to go far. I still believe that Marley loves agility and when people say that about her, it hurts my feelings. Marley isn't a cookie cutter agility dog nor is she a dog that I can outrun on a course (you know those people that just run and their dog takes any obstacle the handler runs past). She is Marley. She may decide to walk one course and the next she may be a speed demon. She keeps me on my toes.When I see video like this, I know Marley still loves agility.
So the next time we step to the line together, I will TRUST Marley. Regardless of the outcome of our runs, I will believe in my girl and that's all I need.
Here's a tribute to my baby girl.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Ever since I got Marley and especially since I got Kalea-Kate, I make it a point to take Molly with me on Sundays when I go to town on errands. Somehow she seems to know when Sundays are. I guess she watches my movements so close, she just knows when it's her day.
She gets so excited on Sundays. She does a little, high pitched bark and runs around the house, bouncing. She expects a treat as soon as she gets in the car. Then she gets to stick her head out the window. She gets my lunch leftovers and then we go to her favorite store, Petco.
We walk around and around Petco, sniffing everything. She's a totally different dog when she's alone. She's so happy and friendly. She goes up to people and wants to get petted. She has mellowed so much in her golden years. She still acts tough but I think she's more bark than bite now.
Molly has taught me so much. She is my heart. She is my first dog I've had as an adult and I couldn't have picked a better girl.
She gets so excited on Sundays. She does a little, high pitched bark and runs around the house, bouncing. She expects a treat as soon as she gets in the car. Then she gets to stick her head out the window. She gets my lunch leftovers and then we go to her favorite store, Petco.
We walk around and around Petco, sniffing everything. She's a totally different dog when she's alone. She's so happy and friendly. She goes up to people and wants to get petted. She has mellowed so much in her golden years. She still acts tough but I think she's more bark than bite now.
Molly has taught me so much. She is my heart. She is my first dog I've had as an adult and I couldn't have picked a better girl.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
We've hit a summer slump. It's just miserably hot and humid and the thought of going outside to train makes me sweat. I quit taking KK to classes probably in May due to the heat. Marley never goes to class. I'm taking KK out for just a few minutes late, late evening and working on some distance skills with her. Marley has just lucked out and I haven't really done much of anything with her.
We have an AKC trial next weekend and then KK will do a USDAA trial in mid Sept. After that, no more trials until mid October. I'm hoping after vacation (Jekyll Island in late Sept.), we will get back into some classes or privates.
The broken toe can know be bent some, the pain has dulled. The pulled calf muscle is better, just can't walk uphill yet. Just trying to take it easy. I get my yearly thyroid (cancer) labs drawn mid month. I'm sure my Vitamin D and Calcium levels will be low.......maybe why my bones break often??
Missy is avoiding the heat at all costs. She sacks out on the sofa under the fan. Molly still goes out on patrol. Not as long, but she still goes. She comes in and cools off and then wants out again. I'm glad she's stayin active.
We have an AKC trial next weekend and then KK will do a USDAA trial in mid Sept. After that, no more trials until mid October. I'm hoping after vacation (Jekyll Island in late Sept.), we will get back into some classes or privates.
The broken toe can know be bent some, the pain has dulled. The pulled calf muscle is better, just can't walk uphill yet. Just trying to take it easy. I get my yearly thyroid (cancer) labs drawn mid month. I'm sure my Vitamin D and Calcium levels will be low.......maybe why my bones break often??
Missy is avoiding the heat at all costs. She sacks out on the sofa under the fan. Molly still goes out on patrol. Not as long, but she still goes. She comes in and cools off and then wants out again. I'm glad she's stayin active.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
We ventured up to Springfield, MO to try our hand at NADAC agility last weekend. Marley and I had previously attended a NADAC trial 2 years ago and I wasn't impressed. But we decided to give it another try and it would give KK's foster mom a chance to see her run.
KK did well. She earned several Q's (can't recall in what). She had some nice runs but the inability to tug really demotivated her. We are used to tugging into the ring and out of the ring. I didn't know until after our first run that tugging is prohibited in NADAC....have no idea why. She would run and we would come off the course and snap on her buckle collar and walk back to the crate. After a few runs, she didn't even jump up looking for her tug leash. I love that KK works for her tug and is so excited coming off a course and running to get her tug leash. For a 'positive' environment, it was a demotivating environment for my dog.
Marley only ran tunnelers both days. She was so happy not to see weave poles anywhere!! She Q'd her runs and earned her Novice Tunnelers Title.
I was surprised to see that there are no refusals in Open and Elite. I was amazed at the number of Elite dogs that ran around jumps and missed weave entries but could Q if they stayed on course and didn't knock a bar. I just expect at that level a dog should be able to run a course without multiple refusals. I'm not saying KK is flawless, but I think she only had 1 'refusal' the whole trial and she's only been competing 4 months.
I guess since I cut my teeth on USDAA agility, I'm used to a higher level of difficulty and stricter rules. I like structure. I like a real challenge. I like to come off a course learning something about my handling or my dog. That didn't happen this weekend. This was the first trial that I literally couldn't wait until it was over. Don't get me wrong, it was nicely run and there were some nice people there.
But NADAC isn't for us.
KK did well. She earned several Q's (can't recall in what). She had some nice runs but the inability to tug really demotivated her. We are used to tugging into the ring and out of the ring. I didn't know until after our first run that tugging is prohibited in NADAC....have no idea why. She would run and we would come off the course and snap on her buckle collar and walk back to the crate. After a few runs, she didn't even jump up looking for her tug leash. I love that KK works for her tug and is so excited coming off a course and running to get her tug leash. For a 'positive' environment, it was a demotivating environment for my dog.
Marley only ran tunnelers both days. She was so happy not to see weave poles anywhere!! She Q'd her runs and earned her Novice Tunnelers Title.
I was surprised to see that there are no refusals in Open and Elite. I was amazed at the number of Elite dogs that ran around jumps and missed weave entries but could Q if they stayed on course and didn't knock a bar. I just expect at that level a dog should be able to run a course without multiple refusals. I'm not saying KK is flawless, but I think she only had 1 'refusal' the whole trial and she's only been competing 4 months.
I guess since I cut my teeth on USDAA agility, I'm used to a higher level of difficulty and stricter rules. I like structure. I like a real challenge. I like to come off a course learning something about my handling or my dog. That didn't happen this weekend. This was the first trial that I literally couldn't wait until it was over. Don't get me wrong, it was nicely run and there were some nice people there.
But NADAC isn't for us.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
It's been a rough few weeks for me. My good friend lost her battle with pancreatic cancer. She 'took care' of me during those dark months after my mom's death. She was the first one at my office door the day I came back to work after the funeral. She was there at the 6 mo anniversary. She was there for me. We only got to see her once after she went on medical leave and I'm so glad we had that time to be with her. She has left a huge hole in my heart and life.
My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease this week. Early stage. At least we have answers for some of his symptoms. Hoping he can be independent for a long time.I'm going to have to add onto my house if he ends up living with me.
Then on Sunday, I broke my left little toe. I made it 16 months between breaks. At least this one was traumatic so I'm not too bothered by the break. It hurts, is very discolored and I can't bend it. I have yet to put on a 'real' shoe...plan on trying that tomorrow.
We have an agility trial this weekend but I'm pretty sure we will be ok. It's NADAC. Not a venue we plan on actively pursuing. It should be a good weekend though!!
My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease this week. Early stage. At least we have answers for some of his symptoms. Hoping he can be independent for a long time.I'm going to have to add onto my house if he ends up living with me.
Then on Sunday, I broke my left little toe. I made it 16 months between breaks. At least this one was traumatic so I'm not too bothered by the break. It hurts, is very discolored and I can't bend it. I have yet to put on a 'real' shoe...plan on trying that tomorrow.
We have an agility trial this weekend but I'm pretty sure we will be ok. It's NADAC. Not a venue we plan on actively pursuing. It should be a good weekend though!!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
This blog entry has been bugging me for a few weeks now. I'm getting so irritated at agility handlers who won't 'own it'. Own it meaning if you are actively trialing to earn your MACH or ADCH, OWN IT! Don't go around saying "I just do this for fun" and then seek out people to tell them you QQ or how many points you got. Just because I'm not trialing to get a MACH doesn't make your goal wrong. So OWN IT!!
And if I'm not good enough to talk to all day, then you can sure bet I don't appreciate it when you walk clear across the arena to tell me you Q'd. I'm glad for you but if I'm not good enough to be acknowledged all day, it just shows everyone how superficial you really are. The one time I decided to be superficial to you, you made such a rude comment back (I believe you were so jealous you couldn't stand it), that I don't have anything left for you. People aren't blind to the fact that you hang out with certain people at certain trials because it makes you 'look' better.
I may be a 'loner' at trials but that's me. I prefer to be with my real friends. People who actually like me and I like them. I don't spend time camped out at the rings critiquing others. I will watch from the stands and help out as needed. But I run agility to be with my best friends so you can bet I'm outside walking or playing with my best 4 legged friends!!
As for me OWNING IT, I am actively competing to put a ADCH and MACH on Kalea-Kate! I am trialing Marley to finish her MX titles. I OWN IT!!
And if I'm not good enough to talk to all day, then you can sure bet I don't appreciate it when you walk clear across the arena to tell me you Q'd. I'm glad for you but if I'm not good enough to be acknowledged all day, it just shows everyone how superficial you really are. The one time I decided to be superficial to you, you made such a rude comment back (I believe you were so jealous you couldn't stand it), that I don't have anything left for you. People aren't blind to the fact that you hang out with certain people at certain trials because it makes you 'look' better.
I may be a 'loner' at trials but that's me. I prefer to be with my real friends. People who actually like me and I like them. I don't spend time camped out at the rings critiquing others. I will watch from the stands and help out as needed. But I run agility to be with my best friends so you can bet I'm outside walking or playing with my best 4 legged friends!!
As for me OWNING IT, I am actively competing to put a ADCH and MACH on Kalea-Kate! I am trialing Marley to finish her MX titles. I OWN IT!!
Monday, July 8, 2013
We hit 2 trials back to back. We did 3 days of AKC in Monroe, LA. Marley had some beautiful runs but just wasn't herself this weekend. She was put back on antibiotics for her Heliobacter infection of the GI tract. By the time we finish this round of antibiotics, she will have completed 6 weeks of meds.She did add another Master Standard Q to her name with alot of PACH points.....and I still don't know what her total is.
Kalea-Kate finished her Novice Standard title, got an Open Standard leg and an Excellent JWW leg. She ran her JWW run at 5.3 yps! She's just a fantastic little agility dog.
After the trial Saturday night, my BFF and our training buddy, Mark went out to eat and then Mark insisted that we go by some Duck Center. I have no idea who they are, but I posed 'mean' as Mark instructed me.
Trialing is so much more fun when you have your friends there!!
We tried our hand at USDAA this past weekend. Marley had some nice runs. I only entered her in 2 events a day. No Q's but she placed in each of her runs. Unless USDAA changes their jump heights, Marley won't be competing in that venue again. It's just not fair to her little body.
KK had a phenomenal debut. 6 out of 10 Q's. 4 seconds and 2 firsts. She ran her jumpers run Saturday at 20.31 seconds, that's 5.76 yps! She ended up with 2 Snooker, 2 Gambler, 1 Jumpers, and 1 Pairs Q. She took off courses both days in standard and once in jumpers. I caused an E in pairs the second day. She was just a little rock star!!
We will try our hand at NADAC in 2 weeks. I entered KK in a ton of runs and Marley just in tunnelers. After that we will hopefully we will have a long break from agility. We need time to recover and rest!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
We had a great weekend in Springfield, MO last weekend running AKC agility. It was our first time running on turf but both dogs handled it well.
Marley was back to being her consistent self. She Q'd 3/4 runs and got another QQ. She wasn't nearly as fast as she usually is but the venue was a bit warm so I was just pleased she ran for me. I walked each course with Marley in mind and was proud that I didn't balk my handling of her. I just need to continue to believe in Marley and continue to believe I CAN run Marley the way she needs to be run. Marley isn't going to dazzle you with speed but she is going to put you in awe of her because she is such a happy girl and wants to make her Mommy happy!!
Miss Kalea-Kate ran like a veteran. She easily Q'd Novice Standard and I'm hopeful that we continue to do well and will finally get that Novice Standard Title. Her first time in Excellent JWW and I caused a bar by saying her name as she took off for jump and we had a few other bobbles. The second day in Excellent JWW, she ran 5 yps but took an off course at the very end. Back over in Novice Standard, her immaturity came out and well...we will get another try in Monroe this weekend. She just amazes me! She is so quiet and calm, even at the start line. Then she just explodes on the course. Off the course, she wants to tug and get a treat and she's back to being calm and cool. She is just a fantastic little dog!!
As good as the weekend felt, someone just had to rain on our parade. Some lady came over and talked to me a few times. She proceeded to tell me it took her 2 years to get through Novice, sped through Open and then spent 4 years in Excellent without ever getting a Q. So after KK ran Standard on Saturday, she felt the need to come up to me and say 'You had too many error to Q'. Really?? I don't even know her name and she didn't know mine, but she felt she could come up to me and say that?? My trainer has never had the audacity to say something like that and I pay her to be tough on me! I bit my tongue and didn't say anything. I could have been tacky and said 'I really enjoyed watching your JWW run, it was awesome how your dog took that tunnel, especially since that's the only obstacle the dog took'. But I didn't. I was the bigger and better person.
Oh, and to the person who questioned the fact that Marley got a QQ. Here ya' go!!
Marley was back to being her consistent self. She Q'd 3/4 runs and got another QQ. She wasn't nearly as fast as she usually is but the venue was a bit warm so I was just pleased she ran for me. I walked each course with Marley in mind and was proud that I didn't balk my handling of her. I just need to continue to believe in Marley and continue to believe I CAN run Marley the way she needs to be run. Marley isn't going to dazzle you with speed but she is going to put you in awe of her because she is such a happy girl and wants to make her Mommy happy!!
Miss Kalea-Kate ran like a veteran. She easily Q'd Novice Standard and I'm hopeful that we continue to do well and will finally get that Novice Standard Title. Her first time in Excellent JWW and I caused a bar by saying her name as she took off for jump and we had a few other bobbles. The second day in Excellent JWW, she ran 5 yps but took an off course at the very end. Back over in Novice Standard, her immaturity came out and well...we will get another try in Monroe this weekend. She just amazes me! She is so quiet and calm, even at the start line. Then she just explodes on the course. Off the course, she wants to tug and get a treat and she's back to being calm and cool. She is just a fantastic little dog!!
As good as the weekend felt, someone just had to rain on our parade. Some lady came over and talked to me a few times. She proceeded to tell me it took her 2 years to get through Novice, sped through Open and then spent 4 years in Excellent without ever getting a Q. So after KK ran Standard on Saturday, she felt the need to come up to me and say 'You had too many error to Q'. Really?? I don't even know her name and she didn't know mine, but she felt she could come up to me and say that?? My trainer has never had the audacity to say something like that and I pay her to be tough on me! I bit my tongue and didn't say anything. I could have been tacky and said 'I really enjoyed watching your JWW run, it was awesome how your dog took that tunnel, especially since that's the only obstacle the dog took'. But I didn't. I was the bigger and better person.
Oh, and to the person who questioned the fact that Marley got a QQ. Here ya' go!!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
I recently started re-listening to the Mental Management CD. I have been neglecting that side of our agility training lately. So I figured on my daily commute to and from work would be a good time to work on my mental game.
The chapter on goal setting was on the agenda today and I realized I've half heartedly written out goals for Marley and KK's agility this year. I've written out AKC goals for Marley and KK. I decided not to write goals for USDAA as I have only 1 trial on our schedule for this year. So if I decide to do more USDAA this year, I will write out goals. Next year I plan to add more USDAA to our schedule and will devise goals at that time. We are planning on 1 NADAC trial in July and I'm not writing goals for it either. NADAC will probably just be a one a year trial for us.....mostly so Marley can run tunnels. I'm entering KK in all of the NADAC runs because she's young and entering Marley in just tunnelers because I want to protect her body.
As Lanny Bassham says, "Find a dream worth trading your life for". My 'big' dream is for Marley to earn her PACH. It would just be the icing on the cake for me. It would prove to all those who thought Marley was 'too much dog for me', that they were so wrong. I don't know if I can keep Marley healthy enough to push her to try to earn her PACH, but it is a dream for me. So the PACH will be my big dream. I have made AKC goals for Marley this year and will strive for those.
"Don't let caution keep you from experiencing life". I'm the type of person who likes to fly under the radar. I don't like being watched or judged as it makes me feel self conscious. Weird for someone who participates in a sport that is judged and usually has an audience of your peers and the public. I have learned when I go out and 'walk Marley's course' and 'run Marley's course' that I feel better about myself and we usually run well. I have to let go off the feelings that I'm not like everyone else running their fast BC. I run Marley, who likes to run with me. She runs a pretty consistent 3.5-4.0 yps. She doesn't do sends well, likes me onside weaves, and likes running contacts. So I just need to shake off the negative thoughts that get into my head and just RUN Marley. And by running Marley, we can achieve our goals together!
The chapter on goal setting was on the agenda today and I realized I've half heartedly written out goals for Marley and KK's agility this year. I've written out AKC goals for Marley and KK. I decided not to write goals for USDAA as I have only 1 trial on our schedule for this year. So if I decide to do more USDAA this year, I will write out goals. Next year I plan to add more USDAA to our schedule and will devise goals at that time. We are planning on 1 NADAC trial in July and I'm not writing goals for it either. NADAC will probably just be a one a year trial for us.....mostly so Marley can run tunnels. I'm entering KK in all of the NADAC runs because she's young and entering Marley in just tunnelers because I want to protect her body.
As Lanny Bassham says, "Find a dream worth trading your life for". My 'big' dream is for Marley to earn her PACH. It would just be the icing on the cake for me. It would prove to all those who thought Marley was 'too much dog for me', that they were so wrong. I don't know if I can keep Marley healthy enough to push her to try to earn her PACH, but it is a dream for me. So the PACH will be my big dream. I have made AKC goals for Marley this year and will strive for those.
"Don't let caution keep you from experiencing life". I'm the type of person who likes to fly under the radar. I don't like being watched or judged as it makes me feel self conscious. Weird for someone who participates in a sport that is judged and usually has an audience of your peers and the public. I have learned when I go out and 'walk Marley's course' and 'run Marley's course' that I feel better about myself and we usually run well. I have to let go off the feelings that I'm not like everyone else running their fast BC. I run Marley, who likes to run with me. She runs a pretty consistent 3.5-4.0 yps. She doesn't do sends well, likes me onside weaves, and likes running contacts. So I just need to shake off the negative thoughts that get into my head and just RUN Marley. And by running Marley, we can achieve our goals together!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Over the Memorial weekend, we went to Tulsa, OK for 3 days of agility at the MCKC Tulsa Roundup. Marley and I previously attended that trial in 2011 and did obedience, rally and agility. That was the first time I had run Marley in agility in 2 months. As some of you remember, Marley and I were butting heads earlier that year and Austin stepped in and ran Marley in 2 trials for me. This is also the same trial where we were unfairly treated and DQ'd in Novice Obedience and I reported that judge to the AKC. To my knowledge, that judge no longer judges and the AKC sent me a letter saying "the matter has been dealt with to the betterment of the sport".
This was the first trial for Marley since early March. She had been on rest for a strained neck and then for a large mass that appeared on her shoulder. I felt so lucky just to be able to step to the start line with Marley. You never know when it's your last run together. The first day, happy, wild Marley showed up at the trial. My training friends know that I never know which Marley I will be running each day. It varies from wild to walking. I never know!
The first day, Marley was so happy to be running again. She blew her DW contact and had some spins in JWW but I didn't care. I got to run with Marley again! The second day another blown DW contact got us in standard. When I was walking JWW with my bestie, we discussed how I often balk my handling with Marley and that I need to walk/run Marley. Run Marley's course. Walk it and handle it for Marley.....something my trainer often tells me. So I went out and ran Marley on HER course and she got a Master JWW Q!
This was the first trial for Marley since early March. She had been on rest for a strained neck and then for a large mass that appeared on her shoulder. I felt so lucky just to be able to step to the start line with Marley. You never know when it's your last run together. The first day, happy, wild Marley showed up at the trial. My training friends know that I never know which Marley I will be running each day. It varies from wild to walking. I never know!
The first day, Marley was so happy to be running again. She blew her DW contact and had some spins in JWW but I didn't care. I got to run with Marley again! The second day another blown DW contact got us in standard. When I was walking JWW with my bestie, we discussed how I often balk my handling with Marley and that I need to walk/run Marley. Run Marley's course. Walk it and handle it for Marley.....something my trainer often tells me. So I went out and ran Marley on HER course and she got a Master JWW Q!
Day 3, Marley had trouble with her weave entries but I was so pleased that she still wanted to work for me. She was back to being dependable Marley. All in all, it was a great trial comeback for her!
Miss Kalea-Kate had a great time in Tulsa. Day 1 in standard she tried to refuse contacts so it took us 2 attempts at each contact. I sent her off course once and she went off course herself once. In Open JWW, she got a HARD weave entry that Master's dogs were having trouble with. We were fast and clean and then.......I said her name as she went over the second to last jump and...she dropped the bar. Totally my fault. GRRRRR.
Day 2, standard again found us doing the contacts twice. But she was doing them! She nailed JWW and Q'd. Day 3, she Q'd and earned her title in Open JWW! She was great with a long lead out and a hard off side send to weaves, but she popped out at pole 10 and we had to repeat. She watches my body so close that I started pulling towards the next jump so she popped out and came with me. She is teaching me to be a better handler each and every run.
I was on a high from the JWW run and had to immediately walk Standard, by myself as walk thrus happened while I was in JWW ring. KK had to sit with the gate steward while I walked. I was still trying to gather myself and didn't have time for the 'contact' doubts to creep into my head. Standard started with a tunnel which I just hate with a fast dog. It was a perfect run! A run you dream about. She was fast, hit each and every contact the first time, held her contact criteria, went out to the weaves, was ahead of me and listening. She smoked that course in 37.99 seconds! 1/Q!!
She was the fastest Open JWW dog both days that I got to check results and was the fastest Novice Standard dog by alot on Monday. I'm so proud of how far she's come in just the 2 months she has been trialing. From Novice to Excellent in 2 months and 4 trials. We have alot of work to do together to be more of a team, but so far the ride has been exhilerating!
I can't wait to see where this crazy sport takes all 3 of us.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
People tell you after a loved one dies, that time will help with the loss. They lie. It does not help. My mom died almost 20 months ago and never does a day go by that I don't cry. It still hurts as much today as it did 20 months ago. I try my best to pretend that I'm ok, but the heartache is always present.
I still cannot go to the cemetary without crying. We had my mom's headstone placed about a month ago. It felt like a dagger went through my heart when I stood at her grave 2 weeks ago and saw her name engraved in granite. My mom's baby brother died exactly 19 months to the day my mom died and being at his funeral was like reliving my mom's death all over again. It was all I could do to sit through the service. I bolted for the door as soon as I could. I felt like I could just scream from the pain and loss.
Sometimes I sit and look at my girls and wish my mom could see them again. To see how well they are. She would be on cloud 9 telling people about how Marley is the #1 dog in AR. She loved her grand dogs so much. She used to call to check and see if Molly was out on 'patrol' or if Missy was window watching. She would have loved Kalea-Kate....she's just so full of life!
Time does not help.
I still cannot go to the cemetary without crying. We had my mom's headstone placed about a month ago. It felt like a dagger went through my heart when I stood at her grave 2 weeks ago and saw her name engraved in granite. My mom's baby brother died exactly 19 months to the day my mom died and being at his funeral was like reliving my mom's death all over again. It was all I could do to sit through the service. I bolted for the door as soon as I could. I felt like I could just scream from the pain and loss.
Sometimes I sit and look at my girls and wish my mom could see them again. To see how well they are. She would be on cloud 9 telling people about how Marley is the #1 dog in AR. She loved her grand dogs so much. She used to call to check and see if Molly was out on 'patrol' or if Missy was window watching. She would have loved Kalea-Kate....she's just so full of life!
Time does not help.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
We are 5 days from the MCKC agility trial in Tulsa. Marley has been healthy lately and I am so hopeful she stays that way. I feel like I need to wrap her in bubble wrap to keep her well until the trial.She is getting absolutely no free time in the front yard, as she tends to play hard and is more apt to hurt herself.
I have not gotten Marley's needle aspirate results yet. They told me they would call me when they come in and I have been patient and not called the vet.....it has been hard for me not to call everyday. I check the mass every day and it has not changed in size or density.
I took Marley with me to a private agility lesson last week. Marley surprised me as that it was getting warm and she worked really well for me. She was moving, listening, and actually trying. Marley is a 'gamer'. Doesn't do well in class but usually does well in trials. Miss Kalea-Kate was great as well.
Kalea-Kate and I went to a fun run yesterday at the LRDTC. KK did phenomenal! We ran an Excellent level course and she rocked it. Ran it fast and clean. She blows my mind sometimes. I have been paying those contacts like crazy so hopefully she will do her contacts this weekend!
I have not gotten Marley's needle aspirate results yet. They told me they would call me when they come in and I have been patient and not called the vet.....it has been hard for me not to call everyday. I check the mass every day and it has not changed in size or density.
I took Marley with me to a private agility lesson last week. Marley surprised me as that it was getting warm and she worked really well for me. She was moving, listening, and actually trying. Marley is a 'gamer'. Doesn't do well in class but usually does well in trials. Miss Kalea-Kate was great as well.
Kalea-Kate and I went to a fun run yesterday at the LRDTC. KK did phenomenal! We ran an Excellent level course and she rocked it. Ran it fast and clean. She blows my mind sometimes. I have been paying those contacts like crazy so hopefully she will do her contacts this weekend!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
You often hear people refer to one of their dogs as their 'heart dog'. I have a heart dog in Molly and Missy and Kalea-Kate hold very special places in my heart. But Marley is different. She is my 'soul' dog. We have such a special relationship. I adopted her as a 10 week old puppy with an unknown background. She appeared healthy except for a wound to her head that thankfully did not penetrate her skull. A few years later, I found out that Marley was found in a ditch outside of a semi-truck mechanic shop. That explains alot. She is afraid of large men, semi truck motors, motorcycles, children, snarky dogs and the list goes on.
Marley and I have been through so much together. She has had so many illnesses and injuries in her short 5 years. Through Marley, I have had the privilege of visiting 2 vet schools in 2 different states for various illnesses. We have been to multiple vets and a few vet clinics. I could not even begin to count how many appointments we have had and don't dare to think of how much money I have spent.
As I sit here writing, we are again in another holding pattern. Waiting to see what the mass on Marley's side is. Hoping for the best but trying to prepare myself if the news isn't good. She may have to have surgery to have the mass excised. Hoping we will know more tomorrow.
I also have to prepare myself that this may put Marley into agility retirement. If this does end her career, I know that I have so many memories of us running together. She has amassed many titles in her short career but the titles don't mean alot. I honestly do not know how many Master JWW and Master Standard Q's we have. I don't keep track of her MACH points. Although I did look them up the other day when a friend and I were talking. People crack me up when they go on about it's a game, we do it for fun and then they whine about not Qing and can quote exactly how many MACH points they have.What does mean alot to me is we got to run together. We got to spend so much time together. I will forever cherish ever run I've had with her and I hope we get to have many more.
We went through alot during her early training and I had to make decisions about the best place for us to train and had to make a hard decision to leave one trainer for another. I found our agility home and I don't regret anything (except I wish I had left the old trainer sooner).
Marley is my 'soul dog'. I get her. She gets me. Even after everything we have been through, all the tears I've shed and everything else, I would still pick Marley. Knowing how much we would go through and all the heartache, I would still pick Marley. I'm a better person for having Marley in my life. I've said this before and will say it again. Marley has few people she trusts and lets into her heart. If you are lucky to be loved by Marley, you too will be a better person for knowing and loving Marley. My mom was one of those lucky people. Marley loved her Grandma and she loved her back.
As I look into Marley's gorgeous eyes, I feel so blessed to be her mom. Marley is my 'soul'.
Marley and I have been through so much together. She has had so many illnesses and injuries in her short 5 years. Through Marley, I have had the privilege of visiting 2 vet schools in 2 different states for various illnesses. We have been to multiple vets and a few vet clinics. I could not even begin to count how many appointments we have had and don't dare to think of how much money I have spent.
As I sit here writing, we are again in another holding pattern. Waiting to see what the mass on Marley's side is. Hoping for the best but trying to prepare myself if the news isn't good. She may have to have surgery to have the mass excised. Hoping we will know more tomorrow.
I also have to prepare myself that this may put Marley into agility retirement. If this does end her career, I know that I have so many memories of us running together. She has amassed many titles in her short career but the titles don't mean alot. I honestly do not know how many Master JWW and Master Standard Q's we have. I don't keep track of her MACH points. Although I did look them up the other day when a friend and I were talking. People crack me up when they go on about it's a game, we do it for fun and then they whine about not Qing and can quote exactly how many MACH points they have.What does mean alot to me is we got to run together. We got to spend so much time together. I will forever cherish ever run I've had with her and I hope we get to have many more.
We went through alot during her early training and I had to make decisions about the best place for us to train and had to make a hard decision to leave one trainer for another. I found our agility home and I don't regret anything (except I wish I had left the old trainer sooner).
Marley is my 'soul dog'. I get her. She gets me. Even after everything we have been through, all the tears I've shed and everything else, I would still pick Marley. Knowing how much we would go through and all the heartache, I would still pick Marley. I'm a better person for having Marley in my life. I've said this before and will say it again. Marley has few people she trusts and lets into her heart. If you are lucky to be loved by Marley, you too will be a better person for knowing and loving Marley. My mom was one of those lucky people. Marley loved her Grandma and she loved her back.
As I look into Marley's gorgeous eyes, I feel so blessed to be her mom. Marley is my 'soul'.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
I'm still up tight about Marley. She goes back in less than 2 weeks for a recheck. After over 6 weeks of activity restrictions, I let her play out front with KK yesterday and she comes back in limping. Holding her left front leg up and was not weight bearing. I got a NSAID in her and she layed around the rest of the evening. Today she's weight bearing but she is walking stiff. I gave her another NSAID and totally restricted her activity.
I just don't get it. Why does she keep having this limping?? Left or right, she limps on one or the other. She has been Xrayed from nose to tail and nothing shows up. I rest her. Crate her. Monitor her. Medicate her. Massage her. Heating pads. Feed her high quality food. Keep her slim. Love her. But she keeps having this intermittent lameness.
Dog friends tell me to have her checked for Lyme Disease but she's been vaccinated and the only symptom she has is the limping, so I don't think that's it. We are currently at a 3rd vet and this one has been the most helpful.
I just want Marley not to hurt. To not know so much pain in her life. I want her to be whole.
I just don't get it. Why does she keep having this limping?? Left or right, she limps on one or the other. She has been Xrayed from nose to tail and nothing shows up. I rest her. Crate her. Monitor her. Medicate her. Massage her. Heating pads. Feed her high quality food. Keep her slim. Love her. But she keeps having this intermittent lameness.
Dog friends tell me to have her checked for Lyme Disease but she's been vaccinated and the only symptom she has is the limping, so I don't think that's it. We are currently at a 3rd vet and this one has been the most helpful.
I just want Marley not to hurt. To not know so much pain in her life. I want her to be whole.
Lately I've been struggling with everything. I'm not sleeping again, have slacked off in everything, and just don't care. I don't know why I'm having these episodes. I finally was getting back on track after the holidays when I started having some medical issues. Even after getting a diagnosis and some treatment, I just haven't been able to get it back together. I feel like I'm struggling everywhere... my weight, training, dogs, life in general.
My uncle (my mom's little brother) died last week and at his funeral today, I felt like I was reliving losing my mom again. It was almost too much for me. I couldn't even sit through the graveside service.
I've got to dig deep and get through this slump I'm in.
My uncle (my mom's little brother) died last week and at his funeral today, I felt like I was reliving losing my mom again. It was almost too much for me. I couldn't even sit through the graveside service.
I've got to dig deep and get through this slump I'm in.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Little Miss Kalea-Kate is coming right along in her agility training and career. She just turned 18 mo. old and is now age eligible for my favorite agility venue, USDAA. We will probably try Franklin, TN USDAA in July. She will measure into Championship 22, so I have started throwing in some 22in jumps every so often. She's still young and I want to protect her body so she will just do random 22in jumps until the trial is close.
Miss KK has been in just 3 agility trials and is in Open JWW and Open FAST with Q's in both already. She earned both her Novice JWW and Novice FAST titles at 17 mo. Her first title came just 2 days after she turned 17 mo. Standard is giving us some trouble but I know it's just a small hurdle and we will get over it successfully. I actually enjoy being in Novice. I don't feel any pressure there. :)
We are on a trial hiatus until Memorial Day weekend. I'm hoping Marley will be cleared to compete by then. So during our hiatus, we are working hard on our distance, directionals (I think I could pay someone to teach those rights/lefts...arghh!), and me being able to run KK from the rear. I'm so used to reliable Marley who likes me to run the course with her and likes on side weaves and front crosses. There is absolutely no way I can run with KK. She's already averaging well over 4.3 yps which I think is pretty good for a novice dog and for a handler who has never handled such a fast dog. When we get it all together, I think we may be pretty good. :)
Miss KK has been in just 3 agility trials and is in Open JWW and Open FAST with Q's in both already. She earned both her Novice JWW and Novice FAST titles at 17 mo. Her first title came just 2 days after she turned 17 mo. Standard is giving us some trouble but I know it's just a small hurdle and we will get over it successfully. I actually enjoy being in Novice. I don't feel any pressure there. :)
We are on a trial hiatus until Memorial Day weekend. I'm hoping Marley will be cleared to compete by then. So during our hiatus, we are working hard on our distance, directionals (I think I could pay someone to teach those rights/lefts...arghh!), and me being able to run KK from the rear. I'm so used to reliable Marley who likes me to run the course with her and likes on side weaves and front crosses. There is absolutely no way I can run with KK. She's already averaging well over 4.3 yps which I think is pretty good for a novice dog and for a handler who has never handled such a fast dog. When we get it all together, I think we may be pretty good. :)
We are into week 6 of Marley's activity restrictions. We will go in for a vet visit in the next 2 weeks and hope the neck strain is better so she can be released to more activity. She is getting so bored. She went into the agility yard today when I took KK in to practice. Marley was so cute. She was running the course behind KK. They were both weaving with Marley just a few poles behind KK. I had the jumps set at 22 (getting KK ready for USDAA...maybe) and Marley didn't knock a bar. I had to stop her when she got on the teeter with KK. I know her little agility venture isn't on her activity restriction order but I just couldn't crush her enthusiasm.
It just hurts my heart to see her lying around doing nothing. She's such an active girl and doing nothing is hard on her. I got her shaved today and she is thin. She always looks chubby with her winter fur. She's been having a decreased appetite lately. I guess when you don't do anything but sleep, you don't get hungry.
She's currently napping in the recliner. :(
It just hurts my heart to see her lying around doing nothing. She's such an active girl and doing nothing is hard on her. I got her shaved today and she is thin. She always looks chubby with her winter fur. She's been having a decreased appetite lately. I guess when you don't do anything but sleep, you don't get hungry.
She's currently napping in the recliner. :(
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The AKC contacted me recently to let me know that Marley is the first All American or Canine Partner in Arkansas to earn her CD, all of her Novice and Open Agility titles and her Excellent Standard title. She is the second All American or Canine Partner to earn her RA, RN, and AJP. So, that means Marley is the top ranked All American in Arkansas!!
They sent me a press release to look over and it was sent out to the Little Rock paper. So we will see if it gets published. My training group surprised me last week at class with cupcakes to celebrate Marley's success. :)
Marley remains on house arrest. We will go back to the vet in about 2 weeks or so to see if she will be cleared for agility. If she does get cleared, I will have to get her back in agility form quickly but safely. She's being so good through it all but she is getting a little bored.
They sent me a press release to look over and it was sent out to the Little Rock paper. So we will see if it gets published. My training group surprised me last week at class with cupcakes to celebrate Marley's success. :)
Marley remains on house arrest. We will go back to the vet in about 2 weeks or so to see if she will be cleared for agility. If she does get cleared, I will have to get her back in agility form quickly but safely. She's being so good through it all but she is getting a little bored.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Marley has had recurrent front leg lameness intermittenly for a little over a year. It started with a sprained leg in Dec. 2011. After that, every few months Marley would become lame, limping with a front leg. Sometimes the limping was so severe she would hold the leg up and refuse to put weight on it. It seemed like it always occured on the weekend, so I would give her Rimadyl and watch her. Then usually by a day or so she would be fine. I've taken her into the vet a few times and they would do Xrays and say she sprained a toe.
A few weeks ago, she was having an accu/chiro treatment and the vet looked at her toe and noticed it was swollen. She thought it was broken so we went to get Xrays. Same old, same old. No break, just a toe sprain.
I went to another vet a week or so before the Shreveport trial. She felt Marley was suffering from a neck strain and prescribed steroids and muscle relaxers. Plus rest. I took Marley to Shreveport anyway because she was acting like Marley. She did great on Friday. Ran 2 clean runs. Saturday morning we noticed Marley seemed tired, a little off. I ran her in JWW and she was clean but a little slow for her. During her standard run, she just didn't want to run. Was slow off the start line. I noticed she started limping after the A-frame. I pulled her from the trial. I talked to the vet and she advised me to start her back on the steroids and muscle relaxers.
We went back to the vet on Thursday and the vet feels her neck strain is better and wants us to continue with her current therapy. She goes back in a week or so for some Xrays. Poor Marley is so good with being rested. She wants to go out to play so bad, but she is content just looking out the window....for now. I know she's starting to get a little stir crazy. Today she got on the treadmill and stood there. I turned it on for a few minutes and I think she was seriously disappointed when I turned it off.
I had entered Marley in Memphis in April. I pulled her entry and hope that she will be able to at least run agility for fun in a few months. I just want Marley to be ok, to be healthy. Hopefully, it's just a setback and Marley will bounce back as she always does.
A few weeks ago, she was having an accu/chiro treatment and the vet looked at her toe and noticed it was swollen. She thought it was broken so we went to get Xrays. Same old, same old. No break, just a toe sprain.
I went to another vet a week or so before the Shreveport trial. She felt Marley was suffering from a neck strain and prescribed steroids and muscle relaxers. Plus rest. I took Marley to Shreveport anyway because she was acting like Marley. She did great on Friday. Ran 2 clean runs. Saturday morning we noticed Marley seemed tired, a little off. I ran her in JWW and she was clean but a little slow for her. During her standard run, she just didn't want to run. Was slow off the start line. I noticed she started limping after the A-frame. I pulled her from the trial. I talked to the vet and she advised me to start her back on the steroids and muscle relaxers.
We went back to the vet on Thursday and the vet feels her neck strain is better and wants us to continue with her current therapy. She goes back in a week or so for some Xrays. Poor Marley is so good with being rested. She wants to go out to play so bad, but she is content just looking out the window....for now. I know she's starting to get a little stir crazy. Today she got on the treadmill and stood there. I turned it on for a few minutes and I think she was seriously disappointed when I turned it off.
I had entered Marley in Memphis in April. I pulled her entry and hope that she will be able to at least run agility for fun in a few months. I just want Marley to be ok, to be healthy. Hopefully, it's just a setback and Marley will bounce back as she always does.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Monroe, LA was a huge success for us! Marley is becoming my reliable agility dog. She is moving well and runs happy. Her only errors were refusals twice in JWW that I totally caused. For some reason, I balk my handling during JWW. I know that Marley doesn't read a rear cross but I try them only to have them fail. I kick myself everytime I try one and it fails. I know better so I don't know why I do it. So on Sunday, I walked JWW saying to myself 'front cross, front cross' over and over. I guess it got into my head because I didn't balk any handling during that run. Her biggest brag is she earned her first QQ! It may be the only one she gets so it is so exciting for us.
Miss Kalea-Kate's debut was a major success. Her first event was FAST. She was a quick little devil and got the SEND with no problem. Got her A frame contact and did a nice teeter. Q/2nd
I learned during her standard run that I had never practiced KK on a panel jump. After several refusals, I chose to go on and just let her run. I can't teach her a panel jump in 5 seconds on a course. The second day, the panel jump was the first obstacle. After the novice briefing, I went over to the judge and told her my dog doesn't know the panel jump and she laughed and said she caught that yesterday during her standard run. The judge was so nice and told me to leave her in a stay and call her over. I did and it worked. You can actually hear the judge cheer for KK went she went over that panel jump. That first standard run is actually the first time KK has ever run a full course!! Crazy I know, but this trial was a practice for us to see what KK would do in the ring and how I would handle running a baby dog.
Jumpers was a success for us. KK got her weave entry and didn't slow down. It's so different handling her. She does so much better with rear crosses. I love watching her JWW run, seeing her kick in and just throw dirt behind her as she runs! She got a Q/2nd the first day and a Q/1st the second day. I love this puppy and the adventure we are on.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Marley, Kalea-Kate and I drove up to Springfield, MO for an AKC agility trial over the weekend. Alot of people backed out due to the weather but I didn't have any trouble with the roads. It was a rustic setting (to put it nicely). Inside an insulated building with no heat. You crated in horse stalls with other people. Very tight getting in and out of the rings. There was barely any room to pass other dogs near the rings. This is certainly not the trial for you if you have a snarky/reactive/aggressive dog. Luckily I don't have a snarky/reactive/aggressive dog so we were just fine!
Marley had a blast! She was so happy everyday. She was running and running happy! True to her Marley nature, I never know what dog is coming off the start line until we start. This weekend it was the fun loving, happy Marley. You know your dog loves agility and loves you when it is evident on her face and in her body language. After some of our runs, I was still leashing her up and people were telling me how happy my dog was. That is the best compliment!!! Regardless of how many Q's Marley gets or how many MACH points she might rack up, we will continue to do agility only as long as it's fun for Marley! Once she isn't bouncy and happy after her runs, will she retire...regardless of how close we are to whatever title. When Q's and titles are in the fore front of your mind, you have lost the fun of agility. You will rarely hear me talking about Q's and titles at trials...that just puts pressure on you and the fun is gone. It's a game! Play happy!!
Kalea-Kate got to see her foster mom on Saturday. I don't think KK really recognized her. KK was about 3 months old when I got her, so it's been awhile since she has seen her foster mom. True to KK, she happily gave her foster mom lots of kisses. :) We are planning on going back to Springfield in July for a NADAC trial so her foster mom can see her run.
Kalea-Kate debuts this weekend in Monroe, LA in the AKC Novice ring. I'm nervous because I don't know if she is really ready for the ring. Or if I'm ready for the ring with her. But we will go and we will have fun! It will be a learning experience for us!! Looking forward to our agility career together!
Marley had a blast! She was so happy everyday. She was running and running happy! True to her Marley nature, I never know what dog is coming off the start line until we start. This weekend it was the fun loving, happy Marley. You know your dog loves agility and loves you when it is evident on her face and in her body language. After some of our runs, I was still leashing her up and people were telling me how happy my dog was. That is the best compliment!!! Regardless of how many Q's Marley gets or how many MACH points she might rack up, we will continue to do agility only as long as it's fun for Marley! Once she isn't bouncy and happy after her runs, will she retire...regardless of how close we are to whatever title. When Q's and titles are in the fore front of your mind, you have lost the fun of agility. You will rarely hear me talking about Q's and titles at trials...that just puts pressure on you and the fun is gone. It's a game! Play happy!!
Kalea-Kate got to see her foster mom on Saturday. I don't think KK really recognized her. KK was about 3 months old when I got her, so it's been awhile since she has seen her foster mom. True to KK, she happily gave her foster mom lots of kisses. :) We are planning on going back to Springfield in July for a NADAC trial so her foster mom can see her run.
Kalea-Kate debuts this weekend in Monroe, LA in the AKC Novice ring. I'm nervous because I don't know if she is really ready for the ring. Or if I'm ready for the ring with her. But we will go and we will have fun! It will be a learning experience for us!! Looking forward to our agility career together!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Marley and I ventured over to McKinney, TX on March 2 & 3. I picked McKinney mainly because I wanted to run Marley all alone. I wanted to go someplace where I didn't know anyone and where no one from home would be. Strange? Not to me. I wanted to just concentrate on Marley and me. Just us. Just us as a team. I love trialing with my friends but sometimes I just want to be alone. It was a great decision for us.
Marley had a fabulous Master Standard run on Saturday morning. Happy, running, got her weaves and was quick through them, got her running contacts, and then......she stopped in front of a jump to cough! Really Mar? You couldn't have coughed in the tunnel???? Regardless, it was a great run. Over to Excellent JWW where she got that elusive last Q with a 1st and finished her Excellent JWW title. I took Marley out to the woods and just let her run and be a dog! She had a big time.
Sunday morning in Standard, I thought I would try a blind cross after the A frame and that failed miserably. Caused her to get a refusal. Then Marley missed her weave entry because she came blasting out of the tunnel. A tunnel to the weaves isn't good for Mar. She loves her tunnels!! Over in JWW, she got her first Master JWW Q with PACH points.
After the trial was over, I cried on the way home thinking about how far Marley has come. Every run I have with Marley is a blessing. I don't care if she ever gets her PACH or how many PACH points she gets. I just want to run with Marley! Some people get so tied up and obsessed with Qing and getting points and QQ and they lose the real reason they started agility. To have fun with their dog. I try my best at trials not to moan about not Qing or getting QQ's. At the end of Marley's life I won't be thinking about those Q's, I will be thinking I was so lucky to have been blessed with Marley and having been so lucky to get to spend so much fun time with her.
A good friend told me "You have done Marley proud". I hope I have. I hope I have many more agility weekends to cry about!
Marley had a fabulous Master Standard run on Saturday morning. Happy, running, got her weaves and was quick through them, got her running contacts, and then......she stopped in front of a jump to cough! Really Mar? You couldn't have coughed in the tunnel???? Regardless, it was a great run. Over to Excellent JWW where she got that elusive last Q with a 1st and finished her Excellent JWW title. I took Marley out to the woods and just let her run and be a dog! She had a big time.
Sunday morning in Standard, I thought I would try a blind cross after the A frame and that failed miserably. Caused her to get a refusal. Then Marley missed her weave entry because she came blasting out of the tunnel. A tunnel to the weaves isn't good for Mar. She loves her tunnels!! Over in JWW, she got her first Master JWW Q with PACH points.
After the trial was over, I cried on the way home thinking about how far Marley has come. Every run I have with Marley is a blessing. I don't care if she ever gets her PACH or how many PACH points she gets. I just want to run with Marley! Some people get so tied up and obsessed with Qing and getting points and QQ and they lose the real reason they started agility. To have fun with their dog. I try my best at trials not to moan about not Qing or getting QQ's. At the end of Marley's life I won't be thinking about those Q's, I will be thinking I was so lucky to have been blessed with Marley and having been so lucky to get to spend so much fun time with her.
A good friend told me "You have done Marley proud". I hope I have. I hope I have many more agility weekends to cry about!
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