Sunday, March 10, 2013



Monroe, LA was a huge success for us! Marley is becoming my reliable agility dog. She is moving well and runs happy. Her only errors were refusals twice in JWW that I totally caused. For some reason, I balk my handling during JWW. I know that Marley doesn't read a rear cross but I try them only to have them fail. I kick myself everytime I try one and it fails. I know better so I don't know why I do it. So on Sunday, I walked JWW saying to myself  'front cross, front cross' over and over. I guess it got into my head because I didn't balk any handling during that run. Her biggest brag is she earned her first QQ! It may be the only one she gets so it is so exciting for us.

Miss Kalea-Kate's debut was a major success. Her first event was FAST. She was a quick little devil and got the SEND with no problem. Got her A frame contact and did a nice teeter. Q/2nd

I learned during her standard run that I had never practiced KK on a panel jump. After several refusals, I chose to go on and just let her run. I can't teach her a panel jump in 5 seconds on a course. The second day, the panel jump was the first obstacle. After the novice briefing, I went over to the judge and told her my dog doesn't know the panel jump and she laughed and said she caught that yesterday during her standard run. The judge was so nice and told me to leave her in a stay and call her over. I did and it worked. You can actually hear the judge cheer for KK went she went over that panel jump. That first standard run is actually the first time KK has ever run a full course!! Crazy I know, but this trial was a practice for us to see what KK would do in the ring and how I would handle running a baby dog.

Jumpers was a success for us. KK got her weave entry and didn't slow down. It's so different handling her. She does so much better with rear crosses. I love watching her JWW run, seeing her kick in and just throw dirt behind her as she runs! She got a Q/2nd the first day and a Q/1st the second day. I love this puppy and the adventure we are on.


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