Wednesday, July 9, 2014


We went to West Monroe, LA over July 4th weekend for a 4 day AKC agility trial. We noticed on the way down that KK wasn't her usual wild self. I chalked it up to her toe and the antibiotics she was on. She had a great trial. She did the table everyday! She jumped off once but I got too close to her while she was on the table and she doesn't like that.

She ended up with 4 Q's: 2 T2B, 1 Master FAST and 1 Master JWW. The rest of her runs were just 1 thing from Q-ing. Mostly errors on my part. KK did have one run where she had a 2 y/o moment and she just randomly took obstacles. I had to scratch her from one run because she just wasn't herself. All weekend she was a little slow and her weaving was very slow for her. She even popped out once which she has never done in a trial before.

After we got home, I took her to the vet and she has a GI infection. So she's back on antibiotics and I hope she bounces back soon. She's still sleeping a lot and not playing. She has a NADAC trial next weekend, so I hope she feels better soon.

My friend and I were watching all the 20in dogs run and got to wondering how many of those dogs had MACH's and how many years they had been competing. There were 30 20in dogs entered in Masters. 13 of those dogs had at least 1 MACH (43% of the dogs). 17 or 59% of the dogs had been competing for 5 or more years. One dog had been competing for 9 years. 10 or 34% of the dogs had been competing at least 3 years but less than 5 years. 2 dogs or 7% had been competing 2-3 years.

My sweet baby KK, who is just 2 1/2, has been competing for 16 months off and on and she's holding her own in all Masters. She's just a baby dog in a sea of MACHS!!

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