Saturday, October 10, 2015


It seems like just as I'm getting over one illness, another one strikes. I was finally feeling better and started going back to yoga. At my second class, I had severe abdominal pain which scared me to death. The pain continued and then I began having some urinary issues. It took almost a month to get in with an urinary specialist. Thankfully he was able to diagnose me quickly and got me on the correct medications. I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. Yet another chronic disease that is made worse by stress. I feel like all I do is take medications and supplements to control the symptoms of my thyroid, GI and urinary diseases. It's overwhelming at times. Sometimes I just want to crawl in my bed, cover my head and sleep and then wake up and everything would be fine. But I know that's not going to happen.

I took KK to Shreveport for an USDAA trial before my diagnosis, and all that running really irritated my bladder. She, however, had a good trial. She's getting faster every trial and I am trying to work more distance with her. The courses were hard and the judge had tight times. Plus her courses weren't set up to really work distance...very crunchy. I don't think I will show under that judge again. Anyhow, KK added a few more Q's towards her ADCH.

We only have one more USDAA trial planned for the remainder of the year. I nixed the AKC trial. I need time off this fall to get healthy and for KK to mature and for us to work more distance.

Hazel and my vacation in Destin and Animal Kingdom had to be postponed due to some personal issues but we have rescheduled it for early April. Looking forward to fall and time to rest and get healthy.

Workwise, I'm loving my job. I love the autonomy and I love my clients. I never know what to expect day to day and I'm enjoying it. My coworkers are great and have been so supportive of me lately with some things that have been going on. I'm where I'm suppose to be.

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