Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Marley has been having some hip stiffness recently. I noticed she appeared stiff after playing outside one evening. She was also 2 or 3 leg walking on the treadmill. I chaulked that up to being smart and finding a way to avoid her treadmill time. The few times we did practice agility over our break, she knocked a few bars which is so unlike her. I can count on 1 hand the bars she's knocked in a trial. So I decided to take her in for a check up on her hips.

Our regular vet did Xrays. Her hip dysplasia has worsened and he feels that her time in agility in short. He brought up surgical interventions. I was so not prepared for that.

After a cryfest that evening, I decided to take Marley for a second opinion. This vet feels that yes, her HD has worsened but that we aren't at a surgical intervention yet. She feels that Marley is suffering from panosteitis in both femurs. She recommended rest and Rimadyl for a week and bring her back for a recheck.

I took both Molly and Marley for some chiropractic/accupuncture treatments. I had that vet look at Marley's xrays. Same thing, the HD is worse. But, she doesn't think Marley has pano. She thinks Marley landed wrong and acutely injured her hips. She did tell me to rest and Rimadyl for a week.

If you have ever had the pleasure of meeting Marley, then you know what a pain it is to activity restrict her! She has gotten the zoomies a few times in the house, but for the most part she's been a good girl!

We are keeping our fingers and paws crossed for good news tomorrow. I just don't want Marley to be in pain. She's such a great dog and she deserves to be happy and healthy. Also hoping that she can return to agility.

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