Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Marley was seen back at Mizzou last week for follow up X-rays 9 weeks post op for her right total hip replacement. The implant remains stable and there is new bone growth around it. She is completely weight bearing on her right hip. She is happy and playful and has been the best patient. She is still on short leash walks with no house privileges yet. The surgeon was pleased with her progress. She will get repeat X-rays in February and will probably get a little freedom at that time. I, however, have scheduled her left total hip replacement for March 10. I want her to know life pain free. She is now just on Rimadyl for her left hip.

Molly has been the unfortunate victim of being attacked by a neighbor's GSD (German Shepherd Dog) 3 times. The first time was significant bites to her back and thigh that required stitches. The second incident she was bitten on her shoulder and thankfully that did not require stitches. This last incident was quite severe. She was bitten on the neck and it caused significant damage. She required surgery and had 3 drains placed. It has taken almost a month, but she is finally better and all of the wounds have healed. The worst part of it all is, that she is being attacked in her own front yard. The GSD is getting into my yard and attacking my dogs. I cannot allow my own dogs out in their own yard due to this GSD. The owner of the GSD told me the dog doesn't bite people...... I haven't caught the dog attacking Molly but I have seen the dog in my yard. It is beyond frustrating!! I hate disrespectful, ignorant pet owners, especially owners who fail to see that they own an aggressive dog and choose the do nothing about it.

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