Thursday, April 18, 2013


The AKC contacted me recently to let me know that Marley is the first All American or Canine Partner in Arkansas to earn her CD, all of her Novice and Open Agility titles and her Excellent Standard title. She is the second All American or Canine Partner to earn her RA, RN, and AJP. So, that means Marley is the top ranked All American in Arkansas!!

They sent me a press release to look over and it was sent out to the Little Rock paper. So we will see if it gets published. My training group surprised me last week at class with cupcakes to celebrate Marley's success. :)

Marley remains on house arrest. We will go back to the vet in about 2 weeks or so to see if she will be cleared for agility. If she does get cleared, I will have to get her back in agility form quickly but safely. She's being so good through it all but she is getting a little bored.

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